Hawaii photographer Clark Little is known for his stunning images from inside the barrels of some of the most powerful and dangerous waves on Earth. Clark Little takes a selfie as he photographs waves on the North Shore of Oahu near Haleiwa, Hawaii. (Clark Little via AP) The native of Oahu’s North Shore has spent the last 15 years documenting shorebreak waves, the monster swells that roll in from the Pacific and crash directly onto the sand, unobstructed by reefs or shallow water. Little just released a book, “The Art of Waves,” that chronicles his adventures in the ocean. It contains more than 150 of his favorite images. “Shorebreak is so beautiful and scary at the same time,” Little said. “I used to surf the shorebreak, so ... it’s my comfort zone. I like sand bottom. I thin...
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Unusual places and destinations around the world- natural and man-made!
एवियेशन इतिहास में पहली बार दो पायलट बीच उड़ान में करेंगे अपने-अपने हवाई जहाजों की अदला-बदली इंसानी जीवट कभी थकता नहीं और हमेशा अपने लिए नई-नई चुनौतियां तलाश करता रहता है। अमेरिका में एरिजोना रेगिस्तान के आकाश में इस रविवार, 24 अप्रैल 2022 को एक हैरतअंगेज करतब होने जा रहा है। यह एक ऐसा दुस्साहस है जो एवेयिशन इतिहास में पहले कभी नहीं हुआ, इसलिए भी क्योंकि ज्यादातर लोग इसे पागलपन कहकर खारिज कर देंगे। लेकिन यह वाकई होने जा रहा है। अभ्यास के दौरान एकिंस और फेरिंगटन अपने-अपने विमानों के साथ। फोटोः रेड बुल कंटेंट पूल दो प्रख्यात पायलट और स्काई डाइवर्स और साथ ही एक-दूसरे के चचेरे भाई ल्य़ूक एकिंस और एंडी फेरिंगटन दो छोटे हवाई जहाजों में उड़ान भरेंगे और बीच उड़ान में अपने-अपने हवाई जहाजों से छलांग लगाएंगे और एक-दूसरे के हवाई जहाजों में पायलट सीट पर जा पहुंचेंगे और फिर बदले हवाई जहाज को ल...
Read MoreMigrating crabs around Cuba´s Bay of Pigs have emerged early and in unprecedented swarms, according to local residents, following two years of pandemic that allowed them to cross normally trafficked roadways and reproduce in peace. After the island´s spring rains begin, millions of red, yellow and black landcrabs emerge at dawn and dusk and march from the forest across the road and down to the bay on Cuba's southern coast to spawn in the sea. A car drives over migrating crabs as they are marching from the forest across the road and down to the bay to spawn in the sea, following two years of pandemic, around the Bay of Pigs, in Playa Larga, Cuba March 24, 2022. REUTERS/Stringer Most years, untold thousands fall victim to the tires of passing motorists. But for the past two years, ...
Read MoreSouth African hotel train defies lockdown odds with number of guests picking up Back in 2020 when South Africa went into a strict COVID-19 lockdown, a local company pressed on with opening a hotel with a difference in a tourism hotspot - and two years later that gamble is paying off. Guests are seen relaxing at an outdoor pool and sun terrace, of a hotel in a near 100-year-old train, that sits on the Selati suspension bridge, which spans a river in the heart of the iconic Kruger National Park, in Skukuza, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa, February 9, 2022. REUTERS/Siphiwe Sibeko The hotel is a near 100-year-old train that sits on the Selati suspension bridge, which spans a river in the heart of the Kruger National Park. Lovingly restored, it offers 24 full-carriage rooms agai...
Read MoreScientists in the UK and Cuba are urging members of the public to vote for the ‘world’s most beautiful snail’, in an international competition to unravel its DNA blueprint – thus unlocking the key to its beauty. The Cuban Painted Snails, which are only found in Eastern Cuba, are known for their eye-catching coloured shells, which come in a variety of colours, and their ‘love dart’ – a device they use to stab mating partners. They live in a wide variety of habitats, from xerophytic shrub woodland to rainforests. Red and white Polymita picta. Photo: Bernardo Reyes-Tur Cuba is home to perhaps the world’s greatest diversity of snails, but none have shells with such a range of colours and complex patterns as the Painted Snail, or Polymita picta. Sadly, this makes them appealing to col...
Read MoreAn upside down house built in Colombia's Guatavita, a short distance from the capital of Bogota, is capturing the imagination of visitors looking for fun following coronavirus restrictions. Inside the house, which was designed by its Austrian owner Fritz Schall, who lives in Colombia with his family, tourists walk on ceilings where floors would normally be, while furniture is positioned beneath them. People pose for a photo inside the upside down house, in Guatavita, Colombia, January 23, 2022. REUTERS/Luisa Gonzalez "Everyone looked at me like I was mad, they didn't believe what I was saying," Schall said. "I said 'I'm going to make an upside down house,' and they told me, 'Ok sir, sure, go for it.'" Inspiration for building the house came from a trip to Schall's native...
Read MoreUndaunted by pandemics, supply-chain woes and labor shortages plaguing Earth-bound commerce, Santa Claus launched his reindeer-powered sleigh on Friday to deliver Christmas gifts to good girls and boys worldwide, according to military officials tracking his flights. "Santa's been doing this for centuries, he's a professional," said Canadian Army Captain Alexandra Hejduk, a spokesperson for the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). The joint U.S.-Canadian military command based at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colorado, is charged with monitoring air defenses and issuing aerospace and maritime warnings. NORAD'S Santa-tracking practice originated in 1955, when a Colorado Springs newspaper misprinted the number of a local department store for youngster...
Read MoreA giant straw Yule goat in the Swedish town of Gavle was set ablaze on Friday for the first time in five years, reviving a long-running tradition of locals illegally attempting to torch it and authorities scrambling to stop them. Police said they had arrested a man in his 40s who witnesses said had been acting suspiciously before the blaze in the early hours of Friday. A view of the frame of a giant straw Yule goat after it was set ablaze, rekindling a cat-and-mouse tradition between locals trying to burn it down and authorities trying to stop it, in Gavle, Sweden, December 17, 2021. Pernilla Wahlman/TT News Agency/via REUTERS The Gavle Yule goat, a 42-foot (12.8 metre) high statue made of wood and straw erected every year before Christmas, has become famous nationwide since one ...
Read MoreMillions of red crabs crawled across Christmas Island on Tuesday, part of their annual migration journey to the ocean on the island off the coast of Western Australia. "This year's migration has just been absolutely epic," said Christmas Island National Park natural resource manager Brendan Tiernan. A sign indicating a road closure for red crab migration is seen on Christmas Island, Australia, in this still image from undated video obtained via social media. Parks Australia via REUTERS "The roads have been a seething mass of red crabs. It's caused traffic jams on this small island and people having to get out of their cars and rake them out the way." Tiernan said the ecological phenomenon of crabs migrating to the sea to spawn occurs nowhere else in the world on such a scale. ...
Read Moreगंडोले में या फेरी व्हील में झूले पर बैठकर ऊपर जाते-नीचे आते तो हम सबने देखा-सुना महसूस किया है, लेकिन यहां हम ऐसे गंडोले की बात कर रहे हैं जिसमें नावें ऊपर-नीचे आती जाती है। स्कॉटलैंड की फोर्थ एंड क्लाइड नहर को 35 मीटर की ऊंचाई पर स्थित यूनियन नहर से जोड़ने वाला यह गंडोला दुनिया में इंजीनियरिंग के नायाब करिश्मों में से एक माना जाता है और यह स्कॉटलैंड की पारंपरिक इंजीनियरिंग की देन है। पहाड़ी घाटी में नदियों या नहरों में नावों के आने-जाने के लिए लॉक या लिफ्ट की तकनीक यूरोप में सदियों से रही है। फॉलकिर्क व्हील उसी का उन्नत स्वरूप है। पहले यह काम इस रास्ते पर बने 11 लॉक के जरिये किया जाता था। 1930 में यह लॉक इस्तेमाल में आना बंद हो गए। ग्लास्गो को एडिनबर्ग से फिर जोड़ने की कवायद में इस व्हील की कल्पना रची गई। फोर्थ एंड क्लाइड नहर की शुरुआत 1773 में हुई थी और उसे फोर्थ नदी पर ग्रेंगमा...
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