Vietnam is planning from December to reopen key tourist destinations to vaccinated visitors from countries deemed a low COVID-19 risk, the government said on Wednesday, ahead of a full resumption targeted for June next year. Vietnam imposed tight border controls at the start of the pandemic in an effort to keep out COVID-19, with some initial success, but that harmed its burgeoning tourism sector, which typically accounts for about 10% of gross domestic product. FILE PHOTO: Lanterns hang on a street in Vietnam's central ancient town of Hoi An, a UNESCO heritage site. REUTERS/Kham Vietnam last month announced it would reopen the resort island Phu Quoc for vaccinated travellers from November. It will from December also allow tourists from approved countries to visit UNESCO world...
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travel articles and news about Vietnam
Vietnam has pushed back a plan to re-open the resort island of Phu Quoc to foreign tourists until November, after failing to meet targets for inoculating residents due to insufficient vaccine supplies, state media reported. The Southeast Asian nation, which is currently shut to all visitors apart from returning citizens and investors, has been struggling to speed up inoculations to help contain a spike in COVID-19 cases driven by the Delta variant in recent months. FILE PHOTO: Views from a beachside restaurant are seen at the Mango Bay resort in Phu Quoc island, Vietnam. REUTERS/James Pearson Authorities had initially planned to allow vaccinated foreign tourists to start returning to Phu Quoc in October to revive the tourism sector and prop up the economy. "We have to inoculat...
Read MoreVietnam plans to reopen the beach-fringed island of Phu Quoc to foreign tourists from next month, authorities said, as the country looks at ways to revive an economy suffering from extended lockdowns due to the coronavirus pandemic. The island, 10 km (6 miles) off the coast of Cambodia here, is expected to open for a trial period of six months, the government said in a statement issued late on Thursday. FILE PHOTO: A sunset is seen in a resort after the Vietnamese government eased the lockdown following the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, in Phu Quoc island, Vietnam May 8, 2020. REUTERS/James Pearson Vietnam, which is currently shut to all visitors apart from returning citizens and investors, had managed to contain the virus for much of the pandemic but in the past three...
Read MoreTalk about Vietnam, and this conjures up images of some ultra-beautiful valleys, mesmerizing bays, limestone mountainous islands jutting out of calm sea waters, flowery roads passing through greenish hills, unforgettable land journeys, and of course ever-smiling Vietnamese. The ending of the long rainy season in Hanoi is also the beginning of its beautiful autumn - the season of flower blossom and love. The beauty of Hanoi's autumn is a popular topic of uncountable songs and poems can describe how wonderful it is. September is the transforming time between summer and autumn, so the weather is cooler and more comfortable. Although the temperature is still in a high level, the hot in this time is not extreme than in June and July with less sunlight. Fall in Hanoi In September, Hano...
Read Moreबेन गियोक दुकथेन दरअसल चीन व वियतनाम के बीच की अंतरराष्ट्रीय सीमा पर बहने वाली गुईचुन नदी पर दो झरनों का सामूहिक नाम है। राजधानी हनोई से 272 किलोमीटर दूर यह झरना गाओपिंग प्रांत में दाक्सिन काउंटी की कार्स्ट पहाड़ियों में स्थित है। निर्विवाद रूप से यह झरना वियतनाम की सबसे प्रभावशाली प्राकृतिक झलक देता है। झरना है तो महज 30 मीटर ऊंचा लेकिन इसका पाट 300 मीटर चौड़ा है। गहरे नीले पानी वाली गुईचुन नदी बिलकुल एक पेंटिंग सरीखा नजारा पेश करती हुई धान के खेतों और लाइमस्टोन पहाड़ियों से घिरे बांस के झुरमुटों के बीच से होकर निकलती है। ये झरने रहे तो हमेशा से होंगे लेकिन इनकी लोकप्रियता हाल में बढ़ी जब यहां की तस्वीरें व वीडियो तमाम जरियों से देश-दुनिया के लोगों के सामने पहुंचीं। हालांकि इस इलाके में सड़क संपर्क और सार्वजनिक परिवहन की स्थिति में सुधार होने के बावजूद बेन गियोक को अब भी लीक से हटकर व...
Read MoreThe Luxury Train Travel market in South East Asia is getting more and more interesting. It already has some of the most luxurious trains in the world. Now the luxury comes not just in the terms of a full train but also as a carriage attached to a regular train. If this gets popular, it is certainly going to open a lot of options and many other operators will be looking towards it with a renewed interest. Exterior of the train Here comes another short but quite sweet journey, this time in Vietnam. Vietage is an exclusive 12-seat reservation-only luxury railway carriage developed by Anantara to create memorable journeys between two quintessential locations on Vietnam’s Central coast: Anantara Hoi An Resort and Anantara Quy Nhon Villas, providing a unique luxury travel experience thr...
Read Moreट्रेनों में सफर मात्र किसी दूसरे स्थान पर जाने के लिए नहीं बल्कि सफर का लुत्फ उठाने के लिए भी किया जाता है। ऐसे ही लुत्फ के सफर के सिलसिले में इस बार हम चल रहे हैं दक्षिण-पूर्व एशियाई देशों की ओर। पिछली बार हमने जिक्र किया था ऐतिहासिक ओरिएंट एक्सप्रेस का। इस बार हम बात कर रहे हैं उसी ट्रेन की एशियाई अनुकृति का। दरअसल इस ट्रेन का संचालन भी वेनिस-सिंप्लॉन ओरिएंट एक्सप्रेस का परिचालन करने वाली कंपनी ही कर रही है। थाईलैंड, सिंगापुर और मलेशिया में चलती है ईस्टर्न एंड ओरिएंट एक्सप्रेस। एशिया में भारत की ‘पैलेस आन व्हील्स’ के बाद शाही ट्रेन यात्राओं में ईस्टर्न एंड ओरिएंट एक्सप्रेस का ही नाम है। इस ट्रेन ने अपना पहला सफर बैंकाक से सिंगापुर तक साल 1993 में तय किया था। यह ट्रेन एक बार में 132 सैलानियों को करीब 2,030 किलोमीटर तक का सफर तय करती है। यह ट्रेन परंपरा व आधुनिकता का रोमांचक सफर कर...
Read MoreI had read many times and at many places that the land journeys in Vietnam are among the best ones in the world and worth experiencing in a lifetime. This could be a big catch for a wanderer like me and it surely had ignited an urge in me to go and explore this land lying south of China. Yes, the name Vietnam itself means the South Land, which boasts of beautiful landscapes, smiling people, and varied culture and lifestyles across its vast north-south expanse; it also boasts of the natural wonders and World Heritage sites such as Ha Long Bay in the north, and a vast network of underground tunnels in the south that speaks volumes about the courage and ingenuity of local peasants in the war against American indulgence in their country. And after letting all these fact brew in my mind for...
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