* Some countries performed better than others due to clear rules and certainty for domestic and international travel* UK records the biggest fall by three places among the world’s top 10 largest tourism markets in 2020 with a staggering GDP fall of 62.3%* Average global loss for countries is 49.1%, compared to 2019 levels, due to the impact of COVID-19 travel restrictions Latest data from the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) shows the U.S. maintained its position as the largest global Travel & Tourism market, despite suffering a huge 41% fall in GDP last year. China also kept its position as second biggest Travel & Tourism market, but experienced a harder GDP fall of 59.9% with Japan slightly improving its ranking - from fourth to third - shouldering a GDP fall near...
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travel articles and news about countries and destinations in North America
Australia bans arrivals from India, offenders face jail, fines
France, US detect cases of Indian COVID variant, US bans most travel from India Australian residents and citizens who have been in India within 14 days of the date they plan to return home will be banned from entering Australia as of Monday and those who disobey will face fines and jail, government officials said. The temporary emergency determination, issued late on Friday, is the first time Australia has made it a criminal offence for its citizens to return home. The move is part of strict measures to stop travellers to Australia from the world's second most populous nation as it contends with a surge in COVID-19 cases and deaths. FILE PHOTO: Travelers wearing protective face masks make their way through the arrivals section of the international terminal of Kingsford Smith I...
Read Moreआपने दुनियाभर में रुकने के कई अजीबोगरीब ठिकाने व होटल देखे-सुने होंगे। अक्सर ऐसा होता भी है कि हमें रुकने की रूटीन जगहों की तुलना में, चाहे वे कितनी भी आरामदेह क्यों न हों, कुछ अनूठी अजीब सी जगहें ज्यादा पसंद आती हैं। तो चलिए हम आपको ऐसी ही एक और जगह के बारे में बताते हैं। यह है कोस्टारिका में मैनुएल एंतोनियो नेशनल पार्क के ठीक पास स्थित कोस्तावर्दे होटल। पीछे जंगल, सामने समुद्र खास बात यह है कि इसका फीनिक्स स्यूइट दरअसल एक बोइंग 727 विमान का एयरफ्रेम है। यह बोइंग 727 विमान 1965 का बना हुआ है और अपनी उड़ान के दिनों में यह विमान साउथ अफ्रीका एयर और कोलंबिया की एविआंका एयरलाइंस के लिए यात्रियों को दुनियाभर में ले जाता था। फिर यह उम्र पूरी हो जाने के बाद सेवा से बाहर हुआ तो कोस्टा रिका की राजधानी सेन जोस हवाईअड्डे पर कहीं किनारे में खड़ा रहता था। कोस्तावर्दे के मालिकों ने इस हवाई जह...
Read MoreDuring some summers, as the Caribbean water temperatures climb, the luminous coral colonies of gold, green and blue that ring the island nation of Cuba give way to patches of skeletal white. The technicolor streaks of darting tropical fish flash less frequently. The rasping sounds of lobsters go quiet. While Cuba’s marine life has suffered from overfishing and pollution, there is mounting evidence that the warming of waters due to climate change may be taking a large toll as well -- both off the island’s coast and globally. A view of a coral colony on the coast of Havana, Cuba, March 28, 2021. REUTERS/Sarah Marsh Research published Monday finds that the total number of open-water species declined by about half in the 40 years up to 2010 in tropical marine zones worldwide. Duri...
Read MoreThe U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention on Friday issued new guidance to the cruise ship industry, including the need for COVID-19 vaccinations, a necessary step before passenger voyages can resume. The new technical instructions, the first update since October, include increasing from weekly to daily reporting frequency of COVID-19 cases and illnesses and implementing routine testing of all crew based on a ship’s COVID-19 status and establishing a plan and timeline for vaccination of crew and port personnel. “COVID-19 vaccination efforts will be critical in the safe resumption of passenger operations,” the CDC said. The 2,052-passenger Carnival Imagination is anchored off the coast of Half Moon Cay, a private Bahamian island available to Carnival Cruise Lines' ...
Read MoreTrumpeter Carlos Sanchez serenaded tourists in Old Havana for 30 years, earning handsome tips - until the coronavirus pandemic hit and Cuba closed its borders a year ago on April 1. Now the 57-year-old ekes out a living repairing fans. The global vaccination drive is sparking hopes worldwide of a tourism rebirth this summer, yet Cubans like Sanchez are not holding their breath as the Caribbean island goes through its worst outbreak yet and enforces tight travel and lockdown restrictions. Instead, they are practicing the Cuban philosophy of “resolver” - finding a way to get by despite all the obstacles - used mostly in relation to the burden imposed by U.S. sanctions and a state-run economy but also, now, the pandemic. Trumpet player Carlos Sanchez announces his fan reparations se...
Read MoreLatest edition of Glasstress premieres at Boca Raton in Florida with 34 new works Some of the world's leading contemporary artists are invited to breathe new life into centuries-old glassmaking in Venice ― maestros of glassblowing from the legendary Berengo Studio residency help artists manifest their visions “There is every reason this year to have a world view,” says Irvin Lippman, the Boca Raton Museum of Art’s Executive Director, as South Florida boldly ushers in the new year with the national premiere of Glasstress 2021 Boca Raton. “Three years in the making, with 2020 being such a challenging year to coordinate an international exhibition of this size and scope, the effort serves as an important reassurance that art is an essential and enduring part of humanity. Ai Weiwei a...
Read MoreFeeling he can now travel internationally without risking his life, recently-vaccinated American Brian Sheppard hopped on a plane to Mexico’s top beach resort a few days ago to attend the wedding of one of his best friends. Like other major Mexican tourist draws, Cancun’s all-inclusive hotels along wide stretches of white sand beaches on the Caribbean are benefiting from the steady if uneven global march of coronavirus vaccinations as Mexico prepares for a rebound from one of the worst-ever years for its crucial tourism sector. While the U.S. Spring Break season has so far been relatively muted in Mexico, summer bookings are seen between 48.7% and 61.5% occupancy at the main tourist destinations, up dramatically from 2020 when properties stood mostly empty, according to government e...
Read Moreअब कौन कहता है कि रोमांस के लिए कोई समुद्र तट या कोई शांत जगह होनी जरूरी है। कभी-कभी रोमांच के साथ भी रोमांस हो सकता है और अगर आप लास वेगास जैसी किसी जगह पर हैं तो वहां इतना कुछ है करने को कि हर लम्हा यादगार हो सकता है। हम आपको बता रहे हैं कि आपके पास मानो महज 72 घंटे ही बिताने को वेगास में हैं तो कैसे आप एक-एक पल का बेहतरीन इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं। वेगास में काफी आरामदेह ठिकाने हैं जिनमें से कुछ तो दुनिया के सबसे महंगे रिसॉर्ट हैं जिन्हें देखकर सोने का विचार आपके दिमाग में बहुत ही मुश्किल से आएगा। तो भाई, करें क्या! लास वेगास स्ट्रिप की लाइट्स, डाउनटाउन का रोमांच, रेगिस्तान की वीरानी... वेगास की हर चीज व बात फिर से खुली है और आपके इंतजार में है। लीजिए, हो गई हैं आपकी छुट्टियां शुरू (कोरोना काल में वर्चुअल ही सही, लेकिन जब वहां जाने का मौका वाकई मिल जाए तो इसे याद जरूर रखें): पह...
Read MoreChristina Kelly did not picture marrying her American sweetheart in the Peace Arch Park - a 42-acre (17-hectare) stretch of manicured lawns and neatly trimmed garden beds at an otherwise unremarkable border crossing in the Pacific Northwest. Kelly, a 28-year-old Canadian legal assistant from Vancouver, had been crossing back and forth between British Columbia and Washington state to see her boyfriend without a hitch for two years. The start of the coronavirus pandemic, and the closure of the Canada-U.S. border in March 2020, forced a change of plans. Where many couples have reluctantly put off weddings, Kelly and her now-husband, who is in the U.S. Navy, decided to proceed anyway and tied the knot two months ago in the one place where they have been able to see each other during ...
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