Odisha will soon have an elephant rehabilitation centre for conservation and protection of the jumbos, a senior official said. The rehabilitation centre will help injured elephants and those who got separated from the herd, the official said. Odisha Forest and Environment Minister BK Arukha has laid the foundation stone for the Elephant Rehabilitation Centre at Kumarkhunti in Chandaka-Dampada sanctuary close to the state capital on Monday. The project will become a milestone in conservation and protection of elephants, the minister said, adding that arrangements have been made to complete the centre within three months. The rehabilitation centre will be built in 10 hectare of land at an estimated expenditure of Rs 6 crore. The project has already been cleared by the Centre, t...
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International tourist arrivals plunged 93% in June when compared to 2019, with the latest data from the World Tourism Organization showing the severe impact COVID-19 has had on the sector. According to the new issue of the World Tourism Barometer from the United Nations specialized agency, international tourist arrivals dropped by 65% during the first half of the year. This represents an unprecedented decrease, as countries around the world closed their borders and introduced travel restrictions in response to the pandemic. Over recent weeks, a growing number of destinations have started to open up again to international tourists. UNWTO reports that, as of early September, 53% of destinations had eased travel restrictions. Nevertheless, many governments remain cautious, and this latest...
Read MoreThe pioneering elephant welfare charity, The Human Elephant Learning Programs Foundation (H-ELP), is partnering with the Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation (GTAEF) to launch a global service that stars elephants in Zoom video calls live from their natural habitat in Northern Thailand’s ancient jungle. Rates start from US$ 75 to bring elephants in on a Zoom video call for ten minutes. For US$ 145 callers also get a two-minute introduction to their three-ton video call companions and a three-minute question and answer session conducted by one of the GTAEF’s elephant experts. All funds raised through people or organisations booking elephants to partake in their video conferencing will be shared by H-ELP and GTAEF to care for Asian elephants. The Zoom fundraising initia...
Read MoreFollowing extensive discussions with a number of governments around the world and a letter signed by 120 CEOs to the Heads of State of the G7, the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) believes an internationally coordinated plan to save Travel & Tourism is a step closer, and could be sealed before the middle of October. The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) has been in talks with a number of governments regarding a globally coordinated plan of action to bring clarity for travellers on COVID-19 testing and reporting, and save the financially-damaged Travel & Tourism sector. WTTC, which represents the global Travel & Tourism private sector, has been calling for international leadership to save the struggling sector and protect millions of jobs under ...
Read MoreAs restrictions on travel begin to ease globally, destinations around the world are focusing on growing domestic tourism, with many offering incentives to encourage people to explore their own countries. According to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), with domestic tourism set to return faster than international travel, this represents an opportunity for both developed and developing countries to recover from the social and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Recognizing the importance of domestic tourism, the United Nations specialized agency has released the third of its Tourism and COVID-19 Briefing Notes, -Understanding Domestic Tourism and Seizing its Opportunities.- UNWTO data shows that in 2018, around 9 billion domestic tourism trips were made worldwide – six ti...
Read Moreकोविड-19 के दौर में हर किस्म की मुश्किल झेल रहे पर्यटन उद्योग को थोड़ी राहत देते हुए गुजरात सरकार ने शुक्रवार को अपनी पहली हेरिटज पर्यटन नीति का ऐलान किया है। इस नीति के तहत ऐतिहासिक महलों, किलों व इमारतों के भीतर हेरिटेज होटल, म्यूजियम, बैंक्वेट हॉल और रेस्तरां खोलने की इजाजत दे दी है। यह नीति उन्हीं ऐतिहासिक इमारतों पर लागू होगी जो 1 जनवरी 1950 से पहले अस्तित्व में थीं। यह नीति देशी-विदेशी सैलानियों को इन ऐतिहासिक इमारतों को नजदीक से देखने, अनुभव करने का मौका देगी। अहमदाबाद के निकट अदलाज वाव पांच साल (2020-25) के लिए लागू की गई इस नई नीति के तहत न केवल नए बनने वाले हेरिटेज होटलों को बल्कि पहले से चल रहे हेरिटेज होटलों को भी अपनी इमारतों में सुधार करने के लिए या उनका विस्तार करने के लिए 5 से 10 करोड़ रुपये की वित्तीय मदद दी जाए...
Read Moreकोविड-19 के दौर में एक मीठी-मीठी खबर स्विस चॉकलेटों की दुनिया से जहां खुलने जा रहा है ‘होम ऑफ चॉकलेट’ जहां है दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा चॉकलेट फाउंटेन चॉकलेट भला किसे पसंद नहीं और नाम स्विस चॉकलेट का लिया जाए तो तुरंत ही मुंह में वह घुलती सी महसूस होती है। हालांकि बेल्जियम भी चॉकलेट का उतना ही बड़ा गढ़ है लेकिन स्विस यानी स्विट्जरलैंड की चॉकलेट ने अपना एक अलग ही मुकाम दुनियाभर में बना लिया है। लेकिन वहां भी अगर चॉकलेट का कोई मूजियम हो तो भला का बात है! सब तरफ चॉकलेट और उसकी दुनिया के बारे में! लिंट का होम ऑफ चॉकलेट. (फोटोः KEYSTONE/Lindt & Sprüngli) लिंट (Lindt) का स्विस चॉकलेटों की दुनिया में अलग ही नाम है। उसी नाम को एक नया मुकाम देते हुए लिंट ने स्विट्जरलैंड में ज्यूरिख के निकट किल्शबर्ग में एक ‘होम ऑफ चॉकलेट’ तैयार किया है। कुल 65,000 वर्ग फुट इला...
Read MoreA majority of destinations around the world (53%) have now started easing travel restrictions introduced in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Though many remain cautious in view of the development of the pandemic, the seventh edition of the UNWTO “COVID-19 Related Travel Restrictions: A Global Review for Tourism” confirms the ongoing trend towards the gradual restart of tourism. Analysing restrictions up to 1 September, the research carried out by the United Nations specialized agency for tourism found that a total of 115 destinations (53% of all destinations worldwide) have eased travel restrictions, an increase of 28 since 19 July. Of these, two have lifted all restrictions, while the remaining 113 continue to have certain restrictive measures in place. UNWTO Secretary-Genera...
Read MoreUnited Airlines has announced plans to expand its global route network with new nonstop service to Africa, India and Hawaii. With these new routes, United will offer more nonstop service to India and South Africa than any other U.S. carrier and remains the largest carrier between the U.S. mainland and Hawaii. Starting this December, United will fly daily between Chicago and New Delhi and, starting in spring 2021, United will become the only airline to operate between San Francisco and Bangalore, India and between Newark/New York and Johannesburg. United will also introduce new service between Washington, D.C., and Accra, Ghana and Lagos, Nigeria in late spring of 2021. In the summer of 2021, United will fly nonstops four times weekly between Chicago and Kona and between Newark/Ne...
Read MoreContinued natural habitat loss increased the risk of future pandemics as humans expand their presence into ever closer contact with wild animals The average size of wildlife populations has plummeted more than two-thirds in less than 50 years because of deforestation and rampant overconsumption. Experts said on Thursday that the warning was to protect nature in order to save itself. According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) annual Living Planet report, human activity has severely degraded three-quarters of all land and 40 percent of the Earth's oceans, an accelerating destruction of nature that will have untold consequences on health and livelihoods. “The global Living Planet Index continues to decline. It shows an average 68% decrease in population sizes of mammals, birds, amp...
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