Monday, July 1
Home>>सैर-सपाटा>>भारत>>केरल>>Kerala Tourism Minister selected for FOKANA’s Best Minister award

Kerala Tourism Minister selected for FOKANA’s Best Minister award

Kerala Tourism and Public Works Minister P A Mohamed Riyas has been selected for the State’s Best Minister award instituted by Federation of Kerala Associations in North America (FOKANA).

Riyas will be presented the award at the two-day FOKANA Kerala Convention to be held here on March 31 and April 1, FOKANA President Dr Babu Stephen and General Secretary Dr Kala Shahi said here.

FOKANA is the oldest and the largest non-resident Indian association of the United States, with a track record of over 40 years. Over the years, FOKANA has been organising cultural and philanthropic activities as the umbrella organisation of Keralites in the United States.

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