यदि आपको सैर सपाटे के लिए समुद्र-तट जाना हो, यदि आपको सांस्कृतिक विविधता का नजारा लेना हो, यदि आपको किसी स्थान पर विदेशी शासन के समय की जीवन शैली का प्रभाव देखना हो और साथ ही आध्यात्मिक अनुशासन और अदृश्य की साधना की अनुभूति भी करनी हो तो पांडिचेरी (अब पुडुचेरी) से अच्छी कोई दूसरी जगह नहीं। पूर्वी तट पर तमिलनाडु से मिला हुआ, बंगाल की खाड़ी से सटा हुआ पांडिचेरी आपकी इन सभी इच्छाओं को पूरी करेगा पांडिचेरी पहले फ्रांसीसी शासन के अधीन था। सितंबर 2006 से इसका नाम पुडुचेरी कर दिया गया जिसका तमिल भाषा में अर्थ है नया गांव। इसकी सबसे ज्यादा चर्चा लंबे समय तक फ्रांसीसी कॉलोनी के रूप में रहने और महर्षि अरविंद द्वारा स्थापित आश्रम के कारण है। स्थापत्य कला व संस्कृति की दृष्टि से यह एक धनी नगरी है। भारती पार्क के बीच में स्थित आयी मंडपम सुकून की तलाश करने वालों का बड़ा अड्डा है। ...
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Is Europe expected to bring itself back on track by easing out restrictions on cross-border travel, then the dream has perhaps shattered prematurely. After EU decided to open its borders on 30th June, month of July was all about opening up to more and more countries by EU as well as non-EU nations. But as came August, tables were turned and it was chaos and confusion all over, which continues to grow with every passing day. If this summer was supposed to offer hope that coronavirus was under control in Europe, spikes in cases across the continent and ensuing travel chaos have given governments a worrying reality check. From France to Ukraine, the number of positive tests for Covid-19 is rising sharply as more people seek vacations and as lockdown measures are eased to allow citizens to...
Read MoreOne of world’s most visited museums reopened to the public on Monday three and a half months of COVID-19 lockdown. France’s iconic Louvre Museum re-opened, without lengthy queues of visitors as before the coronavirus pandemic. Some 7,000 reservations have been made for the opening day while before the pandemic the museum had around 30,000 visitors each day, Jean-Luc Martinez, President-Director of Louvre, said. For those who arrived for a visit, mask-wearing is compulsory. Slots of 500 visitors every half hour have been set up to comply with health rules. The Louvre and Tuileries National Estate includes several gardens, which cover an area of 30 hectares. Louvre is the world's largest art museum and a historic monument. The museum is housed in the Louvre Palace, originally bui...
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