Greece protests to Turkey over ‘desecration’ at Sumela monastery Greece's foreign ministry said on Monday images showing a band dancing to electronic music at the former Orthodox Christian Sumela monastery in Turkey were "offensive" and "a desecration" of the monument. The ministry called on Turkish authorities "to do their utmost to prevent such acts from being repeated" and to respect the site, a candidate for UNESCO's list of world heritage sites. "The recent images that were displayed on social media, in which a foreign band seems to be dancing disco in the area of the Historical Monastery of Panagia Soumela, are a desecration of this Monument," it said. Turkish officials were not immediately available for comment. FILE PHOTO: A general view of the ancient Sumela Mona...
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दुनिया में कई नए-पुराने पुल अपने वास्तुशिल्प और इंजीनियरिंग कौशल के लिए मशहूर हैं। लेकिन भारत के पूर्वोत्तर राज्य मेघालय के जीवित पुलों को देख कर आप दांतो तले उंगलियां दबाए बगैर नहीं रह पाएंगे। मनोरम प्राकृतिक छटा बिखरने वाले ये अनोखे पुल स्थानीय मूल निवासियों के उत्कृष्ट तकनीकी कौशल के जीते-जागते उदाहरण हैं। मेघालय में घने जंगल, दुर्गम घाटियां व बीहड़ जंगल हैं। यहां छोटी-छोटी पहाड़ी नदियां हैं जो मानसून के दौरान उफनती रहती हैं। यहां लकड़ी के पुल बहुत जल्द गलने लगेंगे या बह जाएंगे। स्टील और कंक्रीट से बने पुलों की भी सीमाएं हैं। लेकिन आपको यह जानकर अचरज होगा कि जिंदा पेड़ों की जड़ों से बनाए गए पुल कई सदियों तक चल सकते हैं। जंगलों में बहने वाली छोटी नदियां मानसून के महीनों में बड़ी नदियों में तब्दील हो जाती हैं। इन उफनती हुई नदियों को पार करने के लिए स्थानीय खासी और जयंतिया आदिवासियों न...
Read MoreThe cruise industry has welcomed the decision by the Italian Government on a long-awaited alternative route for ship access to the city of Venice. Italy on last Tuesday banned cruise liners from Venice lagoon to defend its ecosystem and heritage, moving to end years of hesitation and putting the demands of residents and culture bodies above those of the tourist industry. The government decided to act after the United Nations culture organisation UNESCO threatened to put Italy on a blacklist for not banning liners from the World Heritage site, cabinet sources said. FILE PHOTO: Venice residents ride on boats as they protest to demand an end to cruise ships passing through the lagoon city, as the first cruise ship of the summer season departs from the Port of Venice, Italy, June 5, ...
Read MoreCalling yourself “The Dying Town” may not sound like the best way of attracting visitors, but Civita has learned to make a living out of dying. And it has resisted definitive death for so long that Italy has nominated it and the surrounding area of stark cliffs and valleys known as “badlands” to be a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Centuries ago, the town was much larger and connected by road to other settlements. But landslides, earthquakes, cracks and erosion have reduced its size dramatically and left it sitting spectacularly alone at the top of a spur. When winter clouds are low, Civita looks like a floating castle in the air. On a clear day, the rock on which it rests looks like a slice of a multi-layered cake. Clay from an inland sea a million years ago supports strata o...
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