But South African expert says, both can co-exist despite conflict As eight Namibia-born cheetahs complete more than 50 days in their new home Kuno National Park in Madhya Pradesh, a South Africa-based animal conservationist has expressed concern over the high density of leopards in the sanctuary, but said the two carnivores have a history of co-existence as well. The cheetahs were flown from the African country and released in the Kuno National Park (KNP) in Sheopur district with much fanfare on September 17 as part of a project to revive their population in India, seven decades after they were declared extinct. Since their arrival at KNP, the big cats have been kept inside quarantine enclosures, where they completed 51 days on November 6. Meanwhile, two cheetahs have been releas...
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travel articles and news about Indian state of Madhya Pradesh
The 48th Khajuraho Dance Festival will be held in Madhya Pradesh from February 20 to 26 this year as part of the 'Amrit Mahotsav', being celebrated to mark the 75th anniversary of the country's Independence, an official said on Thursday. Renowned artists from across the country and the world will perform at the festival, which will be inaugurated by Madhya Pradesh Governor Mangubhai Patel, MP tourism and culture department's principal secretary Sheo Shekhar Shukla said. The festival will be held besides the famous Khajuraho group of temples, which is a world heritage site. It will showcase the cultural landscape of Indian dance styles, art and travel-related exhibitions, as well as films based on various artistes, the official said. During the event, the National Kalidas A...
Read MoreAn Indian Desert Cat has been spotted for the first time in Madhya Pradesh's Panna Tiger Reserve (PTR), a senior forest official claimed. A tourist has shared the pictures taken by him of an Indian Desert Cat in the reserve's Akola buffer zone of the reserve recently during the night safari," PTR's field director Uttam Kumar Sharma said on Saturday. As the name suggests, this cat is found in deserts and can survive without water. The toes of the species have cushion like hair which help it balance the fluctuating desert temperatures, the official said. https://twitter.com/PannaTigerResrv/status/1471038466313969665?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1471038466313969665%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fpublish.twitter.com%2F%3Fquery%3Dhttps3A2...
Read MoreAll people aged 18 and above have been vaccinated against COVID-19 in Khajuraho town of Madhya Pradesh, leading the tourism industry to be optimistic about the business gaining momentum at the world famous destination in the coming days. While making the announcement on Saturday, MP Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan attributed the success in vaccination to the awareness of people of Khajuraho, located in Chhatarpur district, about 375 km from the state capital Bhopal. The Khajuraho temples, which are a UNESCO world heritage site, are situated in the backward Bundelkhand region of the state. Tourism industry stakeholders feel the business will now pick up in the area. "During the pandemic, all big and small hotels in Khajuraho were completely shut as the local hospitalit...
Read MoreNational parks and tiger reserves in Madhya Pradesh, which had been shut amid the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, will be kept open from June 1 to June 30, state forest minister Vijay Shah said on Saturday. National parks and tiger reserves have remained shut since the last two months as a precautionary measure during the pandemic. "Madhya Pradesh is known as a tiger and leopard state. National parks and tiger reserves had been shut due to the coronavirus outbreak. We have decided to keep these parks and reserves open from June 1 to June 30," Shah said in a video statement. The move will help people involved in tourism activities in these national parks, the minister said, adding that visitors will have to follow COVID-19 guidelines during their trips. Madhya Prad...
Read Moreकोर एरिया से एक राउंड लगाकर जिप्सी गेस्ट हाउस आ चुकी थी। पिछले दिन की सफारी और आज की आधी सफारी पूरी हो चुकी हो थी। आज की सफारी अगले ढाई घंटे में खत्म होने वाली थी। कई बार टाइगर रिजर्व की यात्राओं की तरह इस बार भी बाघ दिखाई देने को लेकर नाउम्मीदी ही थी। लेकिन घने जंगल में घूमने का रोमांच हमेशा बरकरार रहता है। तो एक बार हम फिर निकल पड़े कोर एरिया में। घास के मैदानों से होते हुए छोटे तालाब तक पहुंच गए। वहां सफेद कमल के फूल और तालाब पर पड़ती सूरज की रोशनी। काफी आकर्षक माहौल था। कुछ फोटो क्लिक किए और आगे बढ़ गए। हम जिस रास्ते से आगे बढ़ रहे थे, वह कोर और बफर का बॉर्डर था। पुराने इंद्री गांव का इलाका। अक्सर इस इलाके में बाघ द्वारा अलस्सुबह मवेशियों को मार दिए जाने की घटनाएं सुनाई पड़ती है। तो हमने दाएं-बाएं की जिम्मेदारी बांट ली और आहिस्ता-आहिस्ता आगे बढ़ती जिप्सी पर बैठे-बैठे जंगल पर नजरें जमा...
Read MoreMadhya Pradesh has lost 290 tigers over the last 19 years but the central Indian state still has more than 675 tigers, including 125 cubs, in the designated reserves and in the wild, a top Forest department official said on Monday. Claiming that the population of tigers has actually "gone up", he said Madhya Pradesh will continue to remain the "tiger state of India". The official said only five per cent of the deaths of big cats had occurred due to poaching or in man-animal conflicts. Most of the deaths of the tigers occurred either in territorial fights or due to natural causes, he added. "Madhya Pradesh has lost 290 tigers so far since 2002," Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Wildlife) Alok Kumar said. However, there are 550 big cats in tiger reserves in Kanha, Ban...
Read MoreScientists have started a project of radio-tagging vultures in Madhya Pradesh's Panna Tiger Reserve to study the movements and habits of these birds, an official has said. Talking to reporters on Saturday, Panna Tiger Reserve's field director claimed this is probably the first time that radio-tagging of vultures is being done in India. The programme, which began two weeks back, is expected to go on for a month, he said. Though the radio-telemetry project was launched about 10 days ago ago, the actual tagging is likely to be held from December 5 to 10. Presently, a cage with a door has been put up at Jhalar grassland of the tiger reserve where baits of fresh meat are being laid to attract the birds. "As many as 25 vultures are going to be radio-tagged in the Panna Tiger Reserv...
Read MoreMadhya Pradesh is the first state to start the film promotions post unlock. The state is taking all the necessary measure for the shooting. The government released a set of Standard Operating Guiding Principles to restart the film shooting in the state that has to be followed at all the places where shootings will take place. Madhya Pradesh also has predominantly a Hindi speaking state, making it more viable and manageable for Bollywood pictures. The peaceful law and orders are another supporting factor. The availability of production facilities, line producers, artists, local crew etc, makes it much more economical to shoot here. Till now more than 200 projects including feature films, TV Serial/Series, TVCs & Reality shows have been shot in Madhya Pradesh, of which few nam...
Read Moreवैसे तो भोपाल की पहचान झील नगरी के तौर पर है लेकिन इसी नगर में दर्जन भर नायाब संग्रहालय भी हैं। इतने संग्रहालय शायद ही किसी दूसरे शहर में आपको मिलें। इसलिए इस बात पर अफसोस होता है कि जब भी भोपाल का जिक्र होता है तो झीलों के बीच यहां के संग्रहालयों की बात कहीं गुम होकर रह जाती है। यूं तो संग्रहालय देश के हर शहर में मिल जाएंगे लेकिन भोपाल के संग्रहालयों की बात कुछ अलग है। मध्यप्रदेश पुरा सामग्री के लिहाज से सबसे समृद्ध राज्यों में एक है। इसलिए सामग्री के लिहाज से यहां के संग्रहालय काफी समृद्ध हैं। भोपाल के दर्जन भर संग्रहालय व सांस्कृतिक केंद्र इसको एक अलग पहचान देते हैं। इनमें मानव जीवन की झांकी से लेकर राज्य की पुरा धरोहरों, आदिम जनजीवन, प्रदर्शनकारी कला, समाचार पत्र पत्रिकाओं के विकास, दूरसंचार, इतिहास, स्वतंत्रता संग्राम की झलक से रु-ब-रु हुआ जा सकता है। बड़ी छोटी झीलें भ...
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