Madhya Pradesh has lost 290 tigers over the last 19 years but the central Indian state still has more than 675 tigers, including 125 cubs, in the designated reserves and in the wild, a top Forest department official said on Monday. Claiming that the population of tigers has actually "gone up", he said Madhya Pradesh will continue to remain the "tiger state of India". The official said only five per cent of the deaths of big cats had occurred due to poaching or in man-animal conflicts. Most of the deaths of the tigers occurred either in territorial fights or due to natural causes, he added. "Madhya Pradesh has lost 290 tigers so far since 2002," Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Wildlife) Alok Kumar said. However, there are 550 big cats in tiger reserves in Kanha, Ban...
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Scientists have started a project of radio-tagging vultures in Madhya Pradesh's Panna Tiger Reserve to study the movements and habits of these birds, an official has said. Talking to reporters on Saturday, Panna Tiger Reserve's field director claimed this is probably the first time that radio-tagging of vultures is being done in India. The programme, which began two weeks back, is expected to go on for a month, he said. Though the radio-telemetry project was launched about 10 days ago ago, the actual tagging is likely to be held from December 5 to 10. Presently, a cage with a door has been put up at Jhalar grassland of the tiger reserve where baits of fresh meat are being laid to attract the birds. "As many as 25 vultures are going to be radio-tagged in the Panna Tiger Reserv...
Read MoreAn art gallery on a tram will be launched in Kolkata in the first week of December to celebrate the city's artistic spirit, West Bengal Transport Corporation (WBTC) Managing Director Rajanvir Singh Kapur said on Saturday. Conceived by the WBTC, the Kolkata Tram Art Gallery would display a vista of art and paintings by contemporary artists. A tramcar has been modified in such a way that paintings can be easily displayed in its interiors. "The idea of the Tram Art Gallery is to make art exhibitions accessible, especially for students. The gallery on wheels would reach all parts of the city, rather than people visiting a gallery in one corner of it," Kapur said. On the days artists book the tram, people will be able to view their paintings on paying a nominal entry fee of Rs 6. ...
Read MoreMadhya Pradesh is the first state to start the film promotions post unlock. The state is taking all the necessary measure for the shooting. The government released a set of Standard Operating Guiding Principles to restart the film shooting in the state that has to be followed at all the places where shootings will take place. Madhya Pradesh also has predominantly a Hindi speaking state, making it more viable and manageable for Bollywood pictures. The peaceful law and orders are another supporting factor. The availability of production facilities, line producers, artists, local crew etc, makes it much more economical to shoot here. Till now more than 200 projects including feature films, TV Serial/Series, TVCs & Reality shows have been shot in Madhya Pradesh, of which few nam...
Read Moreयह किसी ऊंटगाड़ी में जंगल सफारी का पहला और अब तक का अकेला अनुभव मेरे लिए था। अब यह दीगर बात है कि यह जंगल कोई प्रायद्वीपीय भारत के घने जंगलों (ट्रॉपिकल फॉरेस्ट) जैसा नहीं था। यहां जंगल के नाम पर लंबी सूखी घास, झाड़ियां, बबूल के पेड़, कैक्टस और रेत के टीले थे। फिर भी सफारी के लिए यहां बड़ी और खुली छत वाली बसें हैं। बसों में सफारी का यह फायदा है कि आप कम समय में ज्यादा रास्ता तय कर सकते हैं। आखिरकार हम उस नेशनल पार्क की बात कर रहे हैं जो तीन हजार वर्ग किलोमीटर से भी ज्यादा इलाके में फैला है और क्षेत्रफल के मामले में भारत में दूसरा सबसे बड़ा नेशनल पार्क है। (सबसे बड़ा हिमालयी इलाके का हेमिस नेशनल पार्क है।) डेजर्ट नेशनल पार्क में गोडावण और ब्लैक बक ऊंटगाड़ी में सफारी के भी अपने फायदे हैं। मोटर इंजन की आवाज न होने से आप जानवरों को शोर से डराए बिना उनके नजदीक जा सकते हैं। फिर ऊंट के बिना...
Read MoreWith the winter setting in, migratory birds have started arriving at the Hirakud Dam Reservoir in Odisha's Sambalpur district from across continents. Winged guests like Gull and Black Cormorant have been spotted by the forest officials at the Hirakud Dam Reservoir site recently, an official said. "Birds have already started flocking the reservoir for their winter sojourn. More number of birds of various species will arrive at the reservoir in next few days," said Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Hirakud Wildlife Division, Pratap Kottapalli. A number of measures have been taken to ensure the safety and protection of the birds. Regular boat patrolling is being conducted to prevent poaching and hunting of the winged guests. Bird protection teams have already been deployed at zer...
Read MoreThe chardham yatra came to an end on Thursday with the closure of the portals of Badrinath temple in the Garhwal Himalayas for the winter season. The temple gates were closed at 3.35 pm after an elaborate ritual performed by chief priest of the temple Ishwari Prasad Namboodri. The closure of the Badrinath temple marks the conclusion of this year's chardham yatra, which had started late due to the coronavirus outbreak. The remaining three Himalayan temples of Kedarnath, Gangotri and Yamunotri have already been closed. Badrinath temple was opened on 15th May. Badrinath Rawal, who are Namboodris of Kerala also reached Uttarakhand from Kannur on 20th April and was put into quarantine. Initially temple was scheduled to open on 30th April but then owing to all difficulties of...
Read MoreFor the first time in living memory, the Feast of St Francis Xavier held every year in Old Goa which attracts thousands of people, will not be open to the public due to COVID-19 pandemic, a priest said on Tuesday. The feast of St Francis Xavier is celebrated on December 3 every year on the campus of the Basilica of Bom Jesus, where the relics of the 16th century Spanish saint are preserved. Basilica of Bom Jesus in Old Goa. Photo: Falko Berger/Wikimedia Fr Patricio Fernandes, Rector of the Basilica of Bom Jesus, said thousands of people attend the congregational masses every year. "However, due to the COVID-19 outbreak this year, the prayers in the run-up to the (annual feast) festival and also the masses (congregational prayers) traditionally held on the day of the feast woul...
Read Moreआप रोमांटिक सफर पर हो, वाइल्डलाइफ टूरिज्म के लिए या किसी रोमांच की तलाश में, परंबिकुलम टाइगर रिजर्व के जंगल और जानवर कभी आपको निराश नहीं करेंगे। यह वो जंगल है जिसे मशहूर पक्षी विज्ञानी सालिम अली जैसे दिग्गजों ने अपनी लेखनी व चित्रों से खासा सराहा है और अमूर्त रूप दिया है। परंबिकुलम इसलिए भी खास है क्योंकि यह देश के सबसे नए टाइगर रिजर्व में से एक है। इसे फरवरी 2010 में ही देश के 38वें टाइगर रिजर्व का दर्जा मिला था। परंबिकुलम टाइगर रिजर्व केरल के पल्लकड जिले में पल्लकड शहर से लगभग सौ किलोमीटर की दूरी पर चित्तूर तालुक में है। यहां की पहाडिय़ों की ऊंचाई समुद्र तल से 300 मीटर से लेकर 1438 मीटर तक है। केरल जैसी जगह पर 1400 मीटर से ऊपर की ऊंचाई मौसम में खासा बदलाव ला देती है। बाकी केरल के विपरीत परंबिकुलम में बड़ा खुशनुमा मौसम रहता है। यहां का तापमान सामान्य तौर पर 15 डिग्री से 32 डिग्री ...
Read MoreThe Odisha government on Monday decided to promote homestay facilities at nature trails and eco-tourist spots to attract tourists to remote areas of the state. At a high-level virtual meeting held under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary A K Tripathy, it was decided that homestays would be supported from the 2021-22 fiscal for a period of ten years, an official said. "Nature trail and experiential tourism is the current fad, and Odisha has much to offer in this sector. Develop homestay facilities in the remote areas untouched by hotel network," the chief secretary said. Places like Diamond Triangle Buddhist Circuit (Ratnagiri Udayagiri Lalitgiri), Onkadelli in Koraput district, Khola, Gupti, Dangmala and Bhitarkanika national park in Kendrapara district, Daringibadi, Belghar...
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