New Zealand on Friday welcomed the first cruise ship to return since the coronavirus pandemic began, signaling a long-sought return to normalcy for the nation’s tourism industry. New Zealand closed its borders in early 2020 as it sought at first to eliminate COVID-19 entirely and then later to control its spread. Although the country reopened its borders to most tourists arriving by plane in May, it wasn’t until two weeks ago that it lifted all remaining restrictions, including those on maritime arrivals. Many in the cruise industry question why it took so long. The Pacific Explorer sails into the Waitemata Harbour, in Auckland, New Zealand, Friday, Aug. 12, 2022. (Brett Phibbs/New Zealand Herald) The end of restrictions allowed Carnival Australia’s Pacific Explorer cruise shi...
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travelogues, travel articles and news from New Zealand
New Zealand's borders fully re-opened to visitors from around the world on Monday, for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic closed them in March 2020. New Zealand's borders started reopening in February first for New Zealanders and restrictions have progressively eased. The process of reopening the borders ended last night with visitors who need visas and those on student visas now also allowed to return to New Zealand. New Zealand is now also letting cruise ships and foreign recreational yachts docks at its ports. Most visitors arriving in New Zealand still need to be vaccinated against COVID and must take two COVID tests after arriving. However, there are no quarantine requirements. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said on Monday during a speech at the Chi...
Read MoreNew Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said on Wednesday the country will fully reopen its international borders from 11:59 p.m. on July 31, with cruise ships also welcome back to local ports on the same day. The end-July opening of the border is two months earlier than the government's previous time frame and will mean visitors who need visas will now be able to come to New Zealand. Ardern said in a speech to a Business NZ lunch in Auckland that opening the borders would help to relieve urgent skills shortages, open up tourism and put immigration settings on a more secure footing. "We are building on our proven plan to secure New Zealand's economic future," Ardern said. (Reuters) ...
Read MoreBut Indian tourists will still have to wait till October to get in New Zealand welcomed thousands of travellers from around the globe on Monday as the country opened its borders to visitors from around 60 nations including the United States, Britain and Singapore for the first time since COVID-19 hit in early 2020. Maori cultural performers sang songs at the arrivals gate in Auckland and travellers were handed popular locally made chocolate bars as the first flights came in from Los Angeles and San Francisco. Friends and family hugged and cried as people were reunited for what was for some the first time in more than two years. Garth Halliday, who was waiting at the airport for his son, daughter-in-law and grandson to land from London, told local media it made him happy an...
Read MoreNew Zealand is bringing forward the opening of its international borders to some travellers after more than two years of COVID-19 isolation, with Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern saying an influx of tourists will boost the nation's economy. The change means the end of some of the toughest border controls in the world during the COVID pandemic, imposed as the government tried to keep the coronavirus out, comes months ahead of the previous schedule. New Zealand's policies helped keep infections and deaths low. But with the Omicron variant now rampant, criticism has grown as business, particularly tourism, and agricultural sectors see little value in staying shut off from the world. Ardern told reporters on Wednesday that vaccinated travellers from Australia, New Zealand's biggest sour...
Read MoreHobbit, Sauron and Gollum makeovers in New Zealand as Lord of the Rings turns 20 Middle-earth came to life again this week as New Zealand celebrated 20 years since the premiere of the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy with special screenings, costume exhibition and art displays. Friday marked the 20th anniversary of when the first feature film of the J.R.R Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" and "Hobbit" trilogies premiered at Odeon Leicester Square in London on Dec. 10, 2001, bringing instant fame to New Zealand's rolling hills, meadows and forests, which were the backdrop for the mythical Middle-Earth. Screenings were planned in cinemas in Auckland and Wellington, including an outdoor screening on Friday in Hobbiton, a sheep and beef farm about 160 kilometers from Auckland, famous ...
Read MoreFully vaccinated international travellers will be allowed to enter the country from April 30 New Zealand will keep its borders closed to most international travellers for a further five months, the government said on Wednesday, outlining a cautious easing of coronavirus border curbs that have been in place for nearly two years. Along with its geographic isolation, the South Pacific country enforced some of the tightest pandemic restrictions among OECD nations, limiting the spread of COVID-19 and helping its economy bounce back faster than many of its peers. FILE PHOTO: A pedestrian weariing a face mask walks past a storefront reading "Welcome Back!" as shoppers return to the Newmarket retail district in the wake of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) lockdown restrictions being eased ...
Read MoreAustralia-New Zealand travel bubble launches with lopsided demand
A testing and quarantine free travel bubble between Australia and New Zealand launched with lopsided demand, according to airlines and data firms, with an unusually high number of the travellers departing from Australia. The initial results from Asia’s first restriction-free travel bubble since the pandemic hit, which opened on Monday, showed that travel patterns can depart from their norms after such a long closure and may take time to return to normal. FILE PHOTO: A passenger arrives from New Zealand after the Trans-Tasman travel bubble opened overnight, following an extended border closure due to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, at Sydney Airport in Sydney, Australia. REUTERS/Loren Elliott “Right now, it’s one-way traffic, with almost three times as much travel goi...
Read Moreदुनिया की अजीबोगरीब जगहों में इस बार बात एक ऐसी जगह की जो वैसे तो पहले ही बहुत खूबसूरत थी लेकिन बाद में उसके कुछ अत्यंत लोकप्रिय फिल्मों के सेट में तब्दील हो जाने से अब वह सैलानियों का अड्डा हो गई है हममें से फिल्मों के शौकीन ज्यादातर लोगों ने लॉर्ड ऑफ रिंग्स और हॉबिट जैसी फिल्मों के बारे में जरूर सुना होगा। हालांकि लॉर्ड ऑफ रिंग्स इस समय फिल्म के निर्माता मिरामैक्स के मालिक हार्वे वेंस्टीन पर लगे यौनाचार के आरोपों के कारण चर्चा में है लेकिन हम यहां उसका जिक्र अलग वजहों से कर रहे हैं। लॉर्ड ऑफ रिंग्स और उसकी श्रृंखला की तीनों फिल्में बेहद कामयाब रहीं और तीनों ही सर्वश्रेष्ठ फिल्म के तौर पर ऑस्कर के लिए भी नामित की गईं और उनमें से तीसरी ने तो आखिरकार तीन-तीन ऑस्कर पुरस्कार 2004 में जीत भी लिए। लॉर्ड ऑफ द रिंग्स और हॉबिट सीरीज की सारी फिल्में दरअसल मशहूर अमेरिकी लेखक जेआरआर टॉकिन की इसी ...
Read Moreगहरी रात लेकिन अंधियारी नहीं, और वो देखो... उस झील के ऊपर आकाश में इतनी रोशनी क्यों है? आखिर क्या है सदर्न लाइट्स का करिश्मा सुदूर न्यूजीलैंड में! दुआ कीजिये कि कोविड का प्रकोप जल्दी खत्म हो और आप यह खूबसूरज नजारा देखने जा सकें.., एस्ट्रोनॉमर यानी खगोल विज्ञानी डॉ. इयान ग्रिफिन को न्यूजीलैंड में ड्यूनेडिन में रहते हुए कई साल हो गए हैं। इन सालों में उन्होंने सदर्न लाइट्स यानी ऑरोरा आस्ट्रेलिस का नजारा लगभग डेढ़ सौ से कहीं ज्यादा बार देखा होगा। अब यह बात ठीक है कि रात के आसमान का नजारा लेना उनके लिए खगोलविज्ञानी होने के कारण पेशेवर मजबूरी भी है। लेकिन उसके अलावा वह इस कुदरती खेल के आदी भी हो गए हैं। आखिर यह उनके घर के अगले दरवाजे से महज दस मिनट की दूरी पर जो नजर आता है। न्यूजीलैंड क साउथ आईलैंड के पश्चिमी तट पर नेलसन लेक्स नेशनल पार्क में लेक रोतोइती के ऊपर दिखता ऑरोरा आस्ट्रेलिस यानी...
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