दुनिया के सैलानियों में कंबोडिया के अंगकोर वाट के मंदिरों की लोकप्रियता ठीक उसी तरह की है जैसे हमारे यहां स्थित ताजमहल की! यदि आप दक्षिण पूर्व एशिया के देशों में भ्रमण का मन बना रहे हों तो अपने यात्रा कार्यक्रम में कंबोडिया को अवश्य शामिल करें क्योंकि यहां एक ऐसी वास्तुशिल्पीय जादूनगरी है जिसका भव्य रूप आपको बार-बार रोमांचित करता रहेगा। यह जादूनगरी है अंगकोर वाट। कंबोडिया के सियमरीप शहर से करीब 5.5 किलोमीटर दूर स्थित अंगकोर वाट दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा धार्मिक परिसर माना जाता है। यह खमेर स्थापत्य कला और वास्तुशिल्प का बेजोड़ नमूना होने के साथ-साथ कंबोडियाई लोगों का गौरवशाली प्रतीक भी है और कंबोडिया के राष्ट्रीय ध्वज पर इसकी छवि अंकित है। प्राचीन कलाकारों ने अपनी कला-प्रतिभा की अभिव्यक्ति के लिए मंदिरो,मस्जिदों और गिरजाघरों को माध्यम बनाया था। पाषाण, ईंटों और चूना पत्थर से खड़े किए गए कई स्म...
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कोविड-19 महामारी के असर के कारण बेलमोंड हिरम बिंघम इन दिनों नहीं चल रही है लेकिन 7 अक्टूबर 2020 से इसका सफर फिर शुरू हो जाएगा जो 31 मार्च 2021 तक चलेगा। इस दौरान ट्रेन सप्ताह में सिफ एक दिन बुधवार को चलेगी। सब ठीक रहा तो उसके बाद इसका नियमित सफर शुरू हो जाएगा। तकरीबन 13 साल पहले साल एक गैर सरकारी कवायद में दुनिया के जो नए सात आश्चर्य चुने गए थे, पेरू में माचू-पिच्चू के शिखर भी उनमें से एक थे। ये शिखर इंका सभ्यता के अवशेषों को अपने में समेटे हुए हैं। इन्हीं की यात्रा कराती है एक राजसी ट्रेन। ज्यादातर लोगों के लिए समुद्र तल से 2350 मीटर की ऊंचाई पर स्थित माच्चू-पिच्चू के शिखरों की यात्रा अपने आप में एक दुर्लभ अनुभव होती है। यह ट्रेन इस जादुई यात्रा को और भी यादगार बना देती है। इंका सभ्यता के इस गुमशुदा शहर (लॉस्ट सिटी) जाने के दो ही तरीके हैं, या तो पेरू रेल की ट्रेनों से या फिर पैदल। ...
Read MoreKnown as the capital of tourism in the Mediterranean region as it welcomes millions of tourists every year, Antalya continues to be one of the most popular holiday destinations among tourists thanks to “Safe Tourism Certificate” program launched by Turkey in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The “Safe Tourism Certificate” program, which was implemented by Turkey for the 2020 tourism season, has been rapidly adopted by the accommodation, food & beverage, and transportation companies in the industry. The program defines a series of measures that must be taken across a vast range of key players in the industry including transportation and accommodation establishments to ensure the health and well-being of facility personnel and guests, both local and foreign. The certificate, whi...
Read MoreThe sixth edition of the ARTONOV Festival will take place in European capital Brussels, in various Art Nouveau, Art Deco and other remarkable architectural venues. This year’s central theme is "what the day owes to the night". With this 6th edition, from the 4th to the 11th of October 2020, the ARTONOV Festival is more committed than ever to surprise the audience with a unique program, thanks to the motivation of the festival team, the artists and the partner venues. Schaerbeek - Schaarbeek Avenue Louis Bertrand - (Gustave Strauven 1906) © visit.brussels - Jean-Paul Remy This year’s program has been adapted to comply with the current health and safety regulations while maintaining the theme, “what the day owes to the night,” as well as the sense of artistic adventure that is in...
Read MoreEight years ago, rising water levels in Kenya's Lake Nakuru drove away the clouds of pink-coloured flamingos that were the park's biggest draw. Rangers say their disappearance triggered a drop in visitor numbers by for the Nakuru National Park. Now they're back. On a recent visit, flocks of flamingos foraged for food in the lake's turquoise waters, while others flapped in a sine-wave formation above. A rhinoceros grazed nearby. Pink flamingos at Kale Nakuru, Kenya. Photo: REUTERS "With the increase now of the number of flamingos we have started seeing visitors also increasing," Caroline Mwebia, the park's tourism warden said. She declined to give visitor numbers and the Kenya Wildlife Service did not return calls seeking comment. But nearly a quarter of a million visitors came...
Read Moreठहरने-घूमने की अजीबोगरीब जगहों की कड़ी में इस बार हम जिस जगह का जिक्र कर रहे हैं, वह वाकई कुछ ज्यादा ही अजीब है। उसक बारे में जानकर कुछ लोग नाक-भौं भी सिकोड़ सकते हैं। आखिर, जिराफ के घर से लेकर कंदराओं और समुद्र की गहराइयों के बाद अगर हम आपसे एक मोटी सी सीवर पाइपलाइन में रुकने को कहें तो अजीब लगेगा ही। आप ये भी कह सकते हैं कि- यह भी कोई रुकने की जगह हुई? लेकिन जनाब, यह वाकई रुकने की जगह है। यूरोप में ऑस्ट्रिया के लिंज शहर के निकट ओतेशेम में डेन्यूब नदी के किनारे स्थित दास पार्क होटल पुराने सीवर पाइपों में है। निश्चिंत रहें, इन पाइपों का इस्तेमाल अब सीवर के लिए नहीं होता। लेकिन ये वाकई एक जमाने के सीवर पाइप हैं जो अब कमरों की शक्ल ले चुके हैं। चूंकि छोटे-छोटे पाइप हैं, इसलिए बड़ी होटलों के शानदार स्वीट की सहूलियतें तो यहां नहीं मिल पाएंगी। लेकिन ये रुकने की बुनियादी जरूरतें जरूर पूर...
Read MoreWith borders closed, South Africa pins hopes on cash-strapped local tourists
Lisa Krohn’s Ashanti Lodge in Cape Town - normally abuzz with backpackers from around the world - today sits largely empty, a sign of how the pandemic has crushed South Africa’s tourist industry. “This place is like a morgue,” she said, contemplating the Victorian-era building’s deserted foyer. Following a five-month lockdown, South Africa is easing domestic travel restrictions, allowing hotels to reopen. With international borders still closed, the government is pinning its hopes on domestic tourism, echoing a strategy being tried from Vietnam to New Zealand with mixed results. A shopkeeper awaits visitors at the Table Mountain cableway station, during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in Cape Town, South Africa, , August 22, 2020. REUTERS/Mike Hutchings South Afric...
Read MoreFrom 11 to 20 September 2020, the Comic Strip Festival is making a comeback with a special edition in the form of a free immersive experience in the impressive setting of the Gare Maritime at Tour & Taxis. Visitors can immerse themselves in the decors of their favourite comics. Yakari, Spike and Suzy, Ducoboo and many others will be there. Not forgetting the unmissable Atomium Prizes. Other surprises and new activities will also await visitors at several locations in the capital. Stripfeest - Comic Book Festival Balloon's Day Parade ©visit.brussels - Eric Danhier - 2019 This year, the Comic Book Festival is trying something different due to the health crisis and to ensure public safety. For its new location in the Gare Maritime at Tour & Taxis, it is offering a free immersiv...
Read MoreFishermen battled on Sunday to save dozens of injured dolphins washed ashore in Mauritius where in recent days at least 40 of the animals were found dead in a lagoon near the site of an oil spill from a Japanese bulk carrier which struck a coral reef. Yasfeer Heenaye, a fisherman near Pointe aux Feuilles on the island’s eastern shore, said he had counted at least 45 dead dolphins since they were first discovered on Wednesday, and said half a dozen more dolphins were in the bay fighting for their lives. He said he believed the animals’ vision was impaired by the spilled oil, which is how they ended up on the reef where they sustained fatal injuries. Dolphins are seen as they swim near the shore of the Indian Ocean near Pointe aux Feuilles, Mauritius August 28, 2020. Picture taken ...
Read MoreThe world’s largest wetland is ablaze, but the fire is often invisible. In Brazil’s Pantanal, the vegetation compacted under the marshy flood water during the wet season dries out as ponds and lagoons evaporate, leaving flammable deposits underground that can continue to smoulder long after visible flames die down. Firefighters across Brazil are battling raging towers of flames from the Amazon rainforest to the Cerrado savannah, but the fires beneath their feet are a particular challenge in the Pantanal. The only way to combat an underground fires is to dig a trench around it, said state firefighter Lieutenant Isaac Wihby. A fire is seen near Cuiaba River at Pantanal, in Pocone, Mato Grosso state, Brazil, August 28, 2020. REUTERS/Amanda Perobelli “But how do you do that if you ha...
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