The detection of a highly compact galaxy that formed relatively soon after the Big Bang and displayed an impressive rate of star formation is the latest example of how the James Webb Space Telescope is reshaping our understanding of the early universe. Scientists said the galaxy, dating to 13.3 billion years ago, has a diameter of approximately 100 light-years - about 1,000 times smaller than the Milky Way - but forms new stars at a rate very similar to that of our much-larger present-day galaxy. A light-year is the distance light travels in a year, 5.9 trillion miles (9.5 trillion km). It existed about 510 million years after the Big Bang event marking the universe's origin. The universe at the time was less than 4% of its current age. Using first-of-their-kind observations from...
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News, stories and features about universe, space and astronomical science
NASA on Monday named the first woman and the first African American ever assigned as astronauts to a lunar mission, introducing them as part of the four-member team chosen to fly on what would be the first crewed voyage around the moon in more than 50 years. Christina Koch, an engineer who already holds the record for the longest continuous spaceflight by a woman and was part of NASA's first three all-female spacewalks, was named as a mission specialist for the Artemis II lunar flyby expected as early as next year. People gather ahead of an event of NASA to announce the crew of the Artemis II space mission to the moon and back in Houston, Texas, U.S., April 3, 2023. REUTERS/Go Nakamura She will be joined by Victor Glover, a U.S. Navy aviator and veteran of four spacewalks who NAS...
Read MoreAstronomers witness the birth of a very distant cluster of galaxies from the early Universe
Using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), of which ESO is a partner, astronomers have discovered a large reservoir of hot gas in the still-forming galaxy cluster around the Spiderweb galaxy — the most distant detection of such hot gas yet. Galaxy clusters are some of the largest objects known in the Universe and this result, published in Nature, further reveals just how early these structures begin to form. Galaxy clusters, as the name suggests, host a large number of galaxies — sometimes even thousands. They also contain a vast “intracluster medium” (ICM) of gas that permeates the space between the galaxies in the cluster. This gas in fact considerably outweighs the galaxies themselves. Much of the physics of galaxy clusters is well understood; however, observatio...
Read MoreFirst results are out from ESO telescopes on the aftermath of asteroid impact Using ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT), two teams of astronomers have observed the aftermath of the collision between NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) spacecraft and the asteroid Dimorphos. The controlled impact was a test of planetary defence, but also gave astronomers a unique opportunity to learn more about the asteroid’s composition from the expelled material. This series of images, taken with the MUSE instrument on ESO’s Very Large Telescope, shows the evolution of the cloud of debris that was ejected when NASA’s DART spacecraft collided with the asteroid Dimorphos. The first image was taken on 26 September 2022, just before the impact, and the last one was taken almost one month later o...
Read MoreDiscovery highlights need for future missions after NASA puts one on hold Scientists have found some of the strongest evidence yet that there is volcanic activity on Venus. Because the planet is a close neighbour to Earth and originally had water on its surface, one big question has been why its landscape is hellish while Earth’s is habitable. Learning more about its volcanic activity could help explain its evolution — and Earth’s. Scientists have known that Venus is covered in volcanoes, but whether or not any of them is still active has been long debated. Now, researchers have discovered that at least one of them probably is, by examining radar images of the planet’s surface collected by NASA’s Magellan spacecraft between 1990 and 1992. They determined that a volcanic vent located...
Read MoreFrom city lights to satellite constellations, the heritage of the night sky is quickly slipping away Why is the dark night important, and what can we do to protect it? If you happen to live in a large city or major metropolitan area, you certainly have the opportunity to enjoy a vibrant nightlife. What you won’t be able to enjoy, however, is a vibrant night sky. Travel to a more rural area, however, and a summertime evening stroll would likely showcase hundreds of stars and clearly delineated constellations. Aside from those lucky enough to visit National Parks, that is about as good as it gets for most of the people in the United States; a pleasant view of the stars and brightest planets, but nothing that stops you in your tracks. And, believe it or not, the night sky can indeed st...
Read MoreUsing the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), astronomers have detected gaseous water in the planet-forming disc around the star V883 Orionis. This water carries a chemical signature that explains the journey of water from star-forming gas clouds to planets, and supports the idea that water on Earth is even older than our Sun. “We can now trace the origins of water in our Solar System to before the formation of the Sun,” says John J. Tobin, an astronomer at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, USA and lead author of the study published today in Nature. This artist’s impression shows the planet-forming disc around the star V883 Orionis. In the outermost part of the disc water is frozen out as ice and therefore can’t be easily detected. An outburst of energy from...
Read MoreThe small distant world called Quaoar, named after a god of creation in Native American mythology, is producing some surprises for astronomers as it orbits beyond Pluto in the frigid outer reaches of our solar system. Researchers said on Wednesday they have detected a ring encircling Quaoar akin to the one around the planet Saturn. But the one around Quaoar defies the current understanding of where such rings can form - located much further away from it than current scientific understanding would allow. The distance of the ring from Quaoar places it in a location where scientists believe particles should readily come together around a celestial body to form a moon rather than remain as separate components in a disk of ring material. "This is the discovery of a ring located in a p...
Read MoreAstronomers have discovered 12 new moons around Jupiter, putting the total count at a record-breaking 92. That’s more than any other planet in our solar system. Saturn, the one-time leader, comes in a close second with 83 confirmed moons. The Jupiter moons were added recently to a list kept by the International Astronomical Union’s Minor Planet Center, said Scott Sheppard of the Carnegie Institution, who was part of the team. They were discovered using telescopes in Hawaii and Chile in 2021 and 2022, and their orbits were confirmed with follow-up observations. This photo made available by NASA shows the planet Jupiter, captured by the Hubble Space Telescope, on June 27, 2019. On Friday, Feb. 3, 2023, scientists said they have discovered 12 new moons around the gas giant, putti...
Read MoreScientists release newly accurate map of all the matter in the universe
Analysis combines Dark Energy Survey, South Pole Telescope data to better understand the evolution of universe Sometimes to know what the matter is, you have to find it first. When the universe began, matter was flung outward and gradually formed planets, stars and galaxies. By carefully assembling a map of that matter today, scientists can try to understand the forces that shaped the evolution of the universe. A group of scientists, including several with the U.S. Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, have released one of the most precise measurements ever made of how matter is distributed across the universe today. Combining data from two major telescope surveys of the universe, the Dark Energy Survey and the South Pole Telescope, the analysis involve...
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