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Home>>खबरनामा>>High density of leopards at Kuno park a matter of concern for cheetahs
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High density of leopards at Kuno park a matter of concern for cheetahs

But South African expert says, both can co-exist despite conflict

As eight Namibia-born cheetahs complete more than 50 days in their new home Kuno National Park in Madhya Pradesh, a South Africa-based animal conservationist has expressed concern over the high density of leopards in the sanctuary, but said the two carnivores have a history of co-existence as well.

The cheetahs were flown from the African country and released in the Kuno National Park (KNP) in Sheopur district with much fanfare on September 17 as part of a project to revive their population in India, seven decades after they were declared extinct.

Since their arrival at KNP, the big cats have been kept inside quarantine enclosures, where they completed 51 days on November 6. Meanwhile, two cheetahs have been released into a larger, fenced enclosure in Kuno. Besides, as per news reports, it is also now known that one of the eight cheetahs was pregnant but lost the embryos possibly due to stress.

FILE PHOTO: A cheetah runs inside a quarantine section before being relocated to India, at a reserve near Bella Bella, South Africa, Sunday, Sept. 4, 2022. (AP Photo/Denis Farrell)

According to animal conservationist Vincent van der Merwe, who manages the cheetah metapopulation in South Africa, the high density of leopards in KNP is a matter of concern for the new guests.

Experts in the past have expressed apprehension about a possible conflict between leopards and cheetahs in the national park.

“The high density of leopards is a matter of concern for cheetahs in KNP. But, two spotted animals have a history of co-existence in South Africa, Namibia and India since centuries,” Merwe, who has been given the responsibility to get 12 cheetahs from his home country to India, said.

In Africa, home to most of the cheetahs in the world, leopards are known to attack the fastest land animal.

“Leopards account for 9 per cent of cheetah mortality in South Africa,” the 40-year-old conservationist, who flew with the eight spotted cats from Namibia to KNP in September, told PTI over the phone from South Africa.

FILE PHOTO: A tracking device is fitted onto a cheetah’s neck by manager of the Cheetah Metapopulation Initiative, Vincent van Der Merwe, second from left, at a reserve near Bella Bella, South Africa, Sunday, Sept. 4, 2022. (AP Photo/Denis Farrell)

His statement has come at a time when presence of 70 to 80 leopards have been noticed in KNP’s core and buffer area spread over 1,200 sq km.

“I form part of a combined Namibian and South African team providing founder animals for reintroduction and giving technical advice to India. As part of this team, I was invited to accompany the founder cheetahs,” he said about his September visit to KNP.

Merwe, who oversaw 31 cheetah translocation projects in South Africa, said the adult fastest mammal on the earth avoids leopards and even chases them away.

“But cheetah cubs and sub-adults do fall prey to leopards,” he added.

Cheetahs have been reintroduced in 64 protected areas within South Africa. These reserves are all small and isolated, and only support cheetah populations that vary from 3 to 30, Merwe said.

Speaking about the Metapopulation Initiative, the expert said it is a private group that coordinates cheetah relocations between the network of metapopulation reserves to prevent inbreeding, cheetah overpopulation or local extinction.

“It offers service to metapopulation reserves by identifying cheetahs for swapping or surplus cheetahs for relocations to reserves where their population needs to be augmented,” said Merwe, who is managing population of the spotted cats in South Africa for the last 11 years.

FILE PHOTO: A cheetah moves around inside a quarantine section before being relocated to India, at a reserve near Bella Bella, South Africa, Sunday, Sept. 4, 2022. (AP Photo/Denis Farrell)

A metapopulation programme works by nurturing several populations of the big cat in mostly private game reserves, and swapping cheetahs between these sites to boost the gene pool.

The wildlife expert, who has an MSc in conservation biology and a BSc (Hons) in conservation genetics, said he is hoping to obtain permission from the South African government to return to India with an additional 12 cheetahs for KNP.

“A large founder population will be required to establish cheetahs at Kuno,” added Merwe.

He manages the Cheetah Metapopulation Project in South Africa on behalf of the Cheetah Metapopulation Initiative.

“As manager of the Cheetah Metapopulation in South Africa, I am in a position to source suitable cheetahs from South Africa. The decision to send cheetahs to India for reintroduction lies with the South Africa government,” Merwe said.

KNP Director Uttam Sharma has admitted there were 70 to 80 leopards in the park. An adult cheetah weighs 40 to 50 kg and a leopard between 50 and 60 kg.

Madhya Pradesh is home to 3,421 leopards, the highest in the country, followed by 1,783 in Karnataka, as per the Union Environment Ministry’s ‘Status of Leopards in India 2018’ report.

FILE PHOTO: Two cheetahs are seen inside a quarantine section before being relocated to India, at a reserve near Bella Bella, South Africa, Sunday, Sept. 4, 2022. (AP Photo/Denis Farrell)

Merwe said the spotted animals’ metapopulation (cheetah count in small and medium parks) has risen to 504 from 217 in South Africa since 2011.

According to Sharma, who also keeps a watch on the Namibian cheetahs at KNP, the large animal can eat as much as 6 to 8 kg meat at one sitting if not chased away.

A cheetah does not return to eat its leftover kill like a leopard or tiger. Suppose a cheetah kills a chital (deer) weighing around 30 kg, it will automatically leave behind around 22 kg meat of the kill for leopards and hyenas, the KNP director explained.

Asked how many days a cheetah eats, Sharma said the world’s fastest animal cannot keep its kills safe. Bigger carnivores like leopard and also hyena can snatch kills from cheetahs.

“Even a pack of jackals is believed to be able to snatch a prey from cheetahs,” he said.

A tiger hides its prey in a bush for another day to eat, but this is not the case with a cheetah as its kill gets snatched, the forest officer added.

FILE PHOTO: A predator-prey interaction between cheetahs and an impala in Kruger National Park, South Africa in June 2015. Photo credit: Evan Fricke

A full-grown tiger weighing 200 kg eats 18 to 20 kg of its kill at the first go, Sharma said.

In other words, tigers scavenge, while cheetahs are fresh meat eaters, he said.

The eight cheetahs at KNP – five females and three males – are in the 30-66 month age group and named Freddy, Alton, Savannah, Sasha, Obaan, Asha, Cibili and Saisa.

They are currently housed in 6 quarantine ‘bomas’ (enclosures) and being reared on a diet of buffalo meat, forest department officials have said.

The acclimatisation zone has been cleared of leopards with the help of elephants. But there was no guarantee leopards will not re-enter the zone as they have the ability to scale and break big fences, said an MP forest department official who did not wish to be identified. Actually, state forest officials spotted a female leopard within one of the larger enclosures through camera trap images; pugmarks also revealed its presence. This is despite officials having ‘leopard-proofed’ the enclosures by erecting fences around, and removing three leopards from within the enclosures before the cheetahs arrived.

FILE PHOTO: A cheetah is seen after India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi released it following its translocation from Namibia, in Kuno National Park, Madhya Pradesh, India, September 17, 2022. India’s Press Information Bureau/Handout via REUTERS

Meanwhile, as per a newspaper report, female Asha was pregnant when she was translocated from Namibia to Kuno National Park, but lost the embryos possibly due to stress. Report quoted the Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF), an NGO which sourced the eight cheetahs from Namibia and has been involved in overseeing their health, arrival in India and quarantine, along with the Indian government, as saying, on November 6.

Laurie Marker, the founder and executive director of CCF, said that the cheetah was pregnant when the team captured her in Namibia. However, it was “early” and they “assumed” that she aborted due to stress. It has been 100 days since her capture from the wild and since the cheetah gestation period is 93 days, it is “safe to say” that she will not have a litter anymore, Marker said.

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister tweeted on the morning of November 6 that two cheetahs have been released into a larger enclosure after their mandatory quarantine. The other six would be released into the larger enclosures from their quarantines before November 10, but this is dependent on the recommendations given by CCF officials, WII scientists and state forest department experts, an official with the Madhya Pradesh forest department said. (Agencies)

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