Taj Mahal was opened after six months on Monday, with the first visitors trickling into the famous monument as authorities reported 86,961 new coronavirus infections across the country, with no signs of a peak yet. The white marble tomb in the city of Agra, built by a 17th-century Mughal emperor for his wife, was opened to the public at sunrise, and a Chinese national and a visitor from Delhi were among the first to enter. Daily visitor numbers have been capped at 5,000, versus an average of 20,000 before the pandemic. Tickets are only being sold online, with fewer than 300 bought on the first day. A notice tied by the authorities to a railing inside the complex as Taj Mahal was opened for visitors after six month on Monday, September 21, 2020. Photo: Reuters/Alasdair Pal Visi...
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उत्तराखंड में राज्य के बाहर से आने वाले लोगों के प्रवेश और क्वारंटीन के नए नियम सोमवार से लागू हो गए हैं। हालांकि नियमों को पहले की तुलना में थोड़ा उदार किया गया है लेकिन राज्य में आने के लिए दो चीजें अब भी जरूरी हैं- एक तो smartcitydehradun.uk.gov.in पर रजिस्ट्रेशन और दूसरा, कोविड की नेगेटिव जांच रिपोर्ट जो उत्तराखंड में प्रवेश करने के वक्त से पहले के अधिकतम 96 घंटे के दरम्यान की होनी चाहिए। उल्लेखनीय है कि पड़ोसी पहाड़ी राज्य हिमाचल प्रदेश ने पिछले हफ्ते जारी नए निर्देशों में राज्य में आने की सभी शर्तें, कोविड जांच की अनिवार्यता, रजिस्ट्रेशन आदि को खत्म कर दिया था। सात दिन तक की यात्रा के लिए नहीं होना होगा क्वारंटीन रजिस्ट्रेशन जरूरी सितंबर 21 से प्रभावी हुए नए नियमों के बाद भी उत्तराखंड की सीमा चौकियों पर रुकने व जांच कराने की स्थिति जस की तस रहे...
Read MoreThe Sikkim government has allowed hotels, homestays and other tourism-related services to restart operations from October 10, officials said on Saturday. The Himalayan state has also decided to open its border with West Bengal for unrestricted movement of vehicles from October 1, they said. Lachung village in the North Sikkim A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the hotels and the tourism sector is expected soon, they added. Bookings for hotels and homestays will start from September 27, officials said. While the odd-even road rationing rule for public vehicles will be lifted from October 1, it may continue for private vehicles, they said. The odd-even rule, which was first implemented in Delhi to tackle air pollution by limiting the number of cars as per the last digit...
Read MoreThe World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) is delighted to announce that in just three short months, 100 destinations are now using its ‘Safe Travels’ stamp, with the Philippines becoming the official 100th destination. WTTC, which represents the global Travel & Tourism private sector, made history earlier this year when it launched the world’s first ever global safety and hygiene stamp, and today the Safe Travels stamp reached its first major milestone. The stamp, which was developed in order to help restore confidence in travellers and work to revive an ailing Travel & Tourism sector, is now also being used by many more major holiday destinations such as the Maldives, Bermuda, Namibia, Uganda and Montenegro. Maldives The specially designed stamp enables travellers...
Read MoreThe 2021 Haridwar Kumbh will be held with a restriction on the number of people congregating for the event, Uttarakhand Chief Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat said on Friday. "Passes will be issued to devotees as the congregation will be numerically restricted due to the coronavirus pandemic," Rawat told reporters here at a virtual interaction. Rawat said he had discussed the matter with saints and seers and they were in agreement with the idea of reducing the scale of the event numerically owing to the coronavirus pandemic. pilgrims at Kumbh. File photo "A numerically restricted Kumbh makes it necessary that devotees are allowed entry into the Kumbh fair on the basis of passes," Rawat said. It will be for the first time in the history of Kumbh Mela that passes will be ...
Read MoreThe COVID-19 pandemic has brought the travel and tourism industry to a near standstill with prolonged lockdowns. Now that government authorities across several countries have relaxed air travel restrictions, airports and hotels are trying to re-build confidence in travelers. Against the backdrop, contactless technologies are proving to be a game changer for the industry, says GlobalData, a leading data and analytics company. Sneha Nigade, Disruptive Tech Analyst at GlobalData, comments: “The COVID-19 pandemic became a wakeup call for the travel and tourism industry to accelerate investments in contactless technologies like biometric check-in at airports and keyless hotel entry, which significantly reduce potential risks associated with physical touchpoints.” The Innovation Explo...
Read Moreहिमाचल प्रदेश सरकार ने अपनी सीमाएं पूरी तरह खोल दी हैं। हालांकि सीमाएं तो उसने पहले ही खोल दी थी लेकिन उसने राज्य की सीमा में प्रवेश करने के लिए लगाई सारी शर्तें भी हटा दी हैं। यानी अब आप बेरोकटोक, बिना किसी कागजात, पास या रजिस्ट्रेशन की जरूरत के हिमाचल प्रदेश जाकर हिमालय की बर्फीली चोटियों और नजारों का आनंद ले सकते हैं। हालांकि यह आपके अपने हित में होगा कि आप कोविड-19 से पूरी तरह बचाव करें क्योंकि पाबंदियां हटाने का मतलब यह नहीं है कि हिमाचल प्रदेश या और कहीं भी कोरोना का खचरा नहीं रहा है। खतरा उतना ही है या हो सकता है पहले से ज्यादा हो लेकिन पर्यटन उद्योग के सामने खड़े अस्तित्व के संकट के देखते हुए ज्यादा से ज्यादा सैलानियों को राज्य में आने का मौका देना निहायत जरूरी हो गया था। गर्मियों का सीजन पहले ही खो चुके पर्यटन उद्योग के लिए एक औऱ सीजन खो देना बहुत घातक हो जाता। ...
Read MoreThe International Air Transport Association (IATA) has called on governments in Africa and Middle East (AME) to implement testing as an alternative to quarantine measures when re-opening their economies. Thirty-five countries in Africa and the Middle East have government-imposed quarantine measures in place. This is an increase of seven countries since August. The impact is that the region effectively remains in lockdown despite borders being open. Recent public opinion research showed that 88% of travelers would not even consider traveling if quarantine measures were imposed on travelers at their destination. “Mandatory quarantine measures stop people from traveling. We understand that governments’ priority is on protecting the well–being of their citizens. Quarantine destroys ...
Read MoreInternational tourist arrivals plunged 93% in June when compared to 2019, with the latest data from the World Tourism Organization showing the severe impact COVID-19 has had on the sector. According to the new issue of the World Tourism Barometer from the United Nations specialized agency, international tourist arrivals dropped by 65% during the first half of the year. This represents an unprecedented decrease, as countries around the world closed their borders and introduced travel restrictions in response to the pandemic. Over recent weeks, a growing number of destinations have started to open up again to international tourists. UNWTO reports that, as of early September, 53% of destinations had eased travel restrictions. Nevertheless, many governments remain cautious, and this latest...
Read MoreAs restrictions on travel begin to ease globally, destinations around the world are focusing on growing domestic tourism, with many offering incentives to encourage people to explore their own countries. According to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), with domestic tourism set to return faster than international travel, this represents an opportunity for both developed and developing countries to recover from the social and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Recognizing the importance of domestic tourism, the United Nations specialized agency has released the third of its Tourism and COVID-19 Briefing Notes, -Understanding Domestic Tourism and Seizing its Opportunities.- UNWTO data shows that in 2018, around 9 billion domestic tourism trips were made worldwide – six ti...
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