दृश्य 1गाड़ी के आगे अचानक दो सींग वाला लहीम-शहीम गैंडा (राइनो) आ गया। मुंह से चीख निकली और साथ ही दिल बल्लियों उछलने लगा। अरे, पृथ्वी का यह दुर्लभ जीव सामने, बिल्कुल लबे-सड़क खड़ा है। थूथन पर बड़ा-सा सींग, दूसरा सींग कुछ आधा-अधूरा सा दिख रहा था। गाड़ी खटाक से रुकी और हाथ दरवाजा खोलने की ओर गया... दृश्य -2सामने दौड़ लगी हुई है। लंबे-लंबे जिराफ एक दूसरे के साथ रेस लगा रहे हैं। उनके शरीर की लय इतनी मंत्रमुग्ध करने वाली है कि पता ही नहीं चलता है कि कब एक छोटा जिराफ गाड़ी के बिल्कुल बगल में, तकरीबन सटते हुए खड़ा हो जाता है... दृश्य 3ऐसा लगता है कि सड़क पर गाड़ी के आगे-आगे धूल का बवंडर चल रहा है। सहसा कुछ अनदेखा सा घटित होता है। धीमी रफ्तार से चल रही गाड़ी, अचानक रोक दी जाती है। फर्लांग भर दूरी पर गाड़ी के आगे जंगली भैंसों का दल खड़ा है। वे बहुत उग्र और परेशान नजर आ रहे हैं। अपने पै...
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travel articles and news about African countries
Egypt has unveiled new visitor facilities on the plateau outside Cairo where the Great Pyramid of Giza and the Great Sphinx are situated, the country’s most visited heritage site and the sole remaining wonder of the ancient world. Developers late on Tuesday night opened a new restaurant, “9 Pyramids Lounge”, which covers an area of 1,341 square meters and overlooks the Giza pyramids. There will also be a fleet of new environmentally friendly buses to guide tourists around the plateau. Overlooking the pyramids “9 Pyramids Lounge” is the first restaurant at the ancient site. “One of the problems always faced is that people say there are no special services for tourists, that there is no cafeteria, no restaurant, nothing that can be offered to visitors,” said Mostafa Waziri, Secreta...
Read Moreकोविड-19 के असर के कारण रोवोस रेल का परिचालन फिलहाल 5 जनवरी 2021 तक बंद है। अभी की स्थिति के अनुसार 6 जनवरी 2021 से यात्राएं फिर शुरू हो जाएंगी। तब तक कीजिए इस रेल की एक वर्चुअल सैर बीती सदी के अस्सी के दशक के आखिरी सालों में एक दक्षिण अफ्रीकी रेल उत्साही रोहन वोस ने पुराने भाप के इंजनों और डिब्बों को खरीदना और उन्हें सहेजना शुरू किया। जमा-पूंजी बढ़ी तो आज वह रोवोस रेल नाम की लग्जरी ट्रेन कंपनी के मालिक हैं। रोवोस रेल के पास अफ्रीका का सबसे विशाल टूरिस्ट रेल नेटवर्क है। और, यह दुनिया की सबसे आलीशान ट्रेनों में मानी जाती है। पुराने डिब्बों में अब राजसी रौनक है। एडवर्ड काल की आंतरिक सज्जा, 1920 के दौर जैसी ऑब्जर्वेशन कार, लकड़ी के स्तंभों से सजी डाइनिंग कारें, तीन तरह के सोने के कूपे, हर कूपे में मिनी बार और चौबीस घंटे के लिए खिदमतगार- ये सारी बातें एक बेहद आलीशान सफर की दास्तान ल...
Read MoreEgypt on Saturday put on show dozens of coffins belonging to priests and clerks from the 26th dynasty nearly 2,500 years ago, with archaeologists saying tens more were found in the vast Saqqara necropolis just days ago. Excavated coffins displayed publicly for the first time. Photo: REUTERS The 59 coffins were discovered in August at the UNESCO world heritage site south of Cairo, buried in three 10-12 meter shafts along with 28 statues of the ancient Egyptian God Seker, one of the most important funerary deities. They belonged to priests and clerks from the 26th dynasty, said Mostafa al-Waziri, secretary-general of Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities. One of he burial sites where coffins were found. Photo: REUTERS The Egyptian archaeological mission behind the discovery had...
Read MoreSouth Africa will keep barring tourists from high-risk countries including India
South Africa will not allow tourists from countries with higher coronavirus infection and death rates, including India, Britain, the United States and France, to enter when its borders open up on Oct. 1, ministers said on Wednesday. But business travellers with scarce and critical skills including diplomats and investors from countries considered “high-risk”, which also include the Netherlands and Russia, can enter, Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor said. “We will review the data every two weeks,” Pandor told a news conference, saying the government would be guided by epidemiological data when deciding which countries were deemed high-risk. President Cyril Ramaphosa this month loosened pandemic restrictions in South Africa, which had one of the world’s strictest lockdowns at the...
Read MoreIncidents of rhino poaching in Namibia have been dropping steadily as timely intelligence work has helped nab hunters before they shoot in known hotspots, the government said on Tuesday. Joint police and government task forces have proven “extremely successful”, the spokesman for the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism said, with intelligence enabling a proactive, rather than reactive, response. “Instead of the discovery of a dead rhino initiating an investigation, would-be poachers are now regularly arrested while they are still conspiring to kill a rhino,” Romeo Muyunda said in a statement celebrating World Rhino Day. It said just 22 rhinos have been poached in Namibia so far this year, down from 46 in 2019, 78 in 2018, 55 in 2017 and 61 in 2016. Of 88 arrests ...
Read MoreArchaeologists in Egypt have discovered 27 coffins at the ancient necropolis of Saqqara, a burial ground that is also home to one of the world’s oldest pyramids, the ministry of tourism and antiquities said. Among this 14 coffins were found two days ago during an archaeological dig at the burial spot where another 13 wooden sarcophagi had been discovered last week, making it total 27 sarcophagi or coffins. The discovery is now said by experts to be one of the largest of its kind. Undated image shows one of the 2500-year-old coffins discovered in a burial shaft in the desert near Saqqara necropolis in Egypt, released on September 19, 2020 by the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities. The Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities/Handout via REUTERS The wooden sarcophagi are ornately painted and...
Read MoreWith tourists slow to return, Egypt’s resorts and ancient sites face tough winter
At the Pyramids of Giza, just a handful of tourists walks among the ancient wonders. Twelve people showed up to admire Luxor’s towering colonnades the day it reopened this month. At Egypt’s Red Sea resorts, visitor numbers are well below previous years. Even as international flights and tourist spots open up and Egypt’s coronavirus cases remain in check, officials, hotel owners and tour guides concede that the key winter season starting in October is going to be tough. That could be bad news for the economy. Tourism accounts for up to 15% of Egypt’s national output, and officials said it was losing around $1 billion each month after the sector all but shut down from March as the coronavirus pandemic struck. Egyptian officials say they are making every effort to reassure touri...
Read MoreSouth Africa will allow travel from Oct. 1 to and from all countries in Africa as well as other countries where levels of COVID-19 infections are not too high, a government minister said on Friday. For countries outside Africa, the government will determine whether entry is allowed depending on that country’s COVID-19 infection and transmission rate, cooperative governance minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma said. Johannesburg skyline The government will prepare a list of countries from where travel will be restricted, Dlamini-Zuma said, but did not specify when the list will be published. “International travel in the continent is allowed to all countries and from all countries,” she said. Travellers should have a negative COVID-19 test obtained not more than 72 hours before the d...
Read MoreEight years ago, rising water levels in Kenya's Lake Nakuru drove away the clouds of pink-coloured flamingos that were the park's biggest draw. Rangers say their disappearance triggered a drop in visitor numbers by for the Nakuru National Park. Now they're back. On a recent visit, flocks of flamingos foraged for food in the lake's turquoise waters, while others flapped in a sine-wave formation above. A rhinoceros grazed nearby. Pink flamingos at Kale Nakuru, Kenya. Photo: REUTERS "With the increase now of the number of flamingos we have started seeing visitors also increasing," Caroline Mwebia, the park's tourism warden said. She declined to give visitor numbers and the Kenya Wildlife Service did not return calls seeking comment. But nearly a quarter of a million visitors came...
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