One of the few sectors of the travel industry which were particularly hit hard by the COVID-19 and have extremely limited hopes of revival in foreseeable future is the Cruise sector. Actually, the whole chaos of the pandemic started in a very bad omen for cruise sector when Carnival’s Diamond Princess Cruise ship becoming the earliest hotspots for the disease outside China. Therefore, it was indeed very brave of Carnival Corporation, when it announced on Friday that it was planning to resume operations. But this would be in phased manner. Cruise company also plans to reduce its fleet by 13 ships, bringing 9% reduction in its current capacity. The Carnival Glory cruises off the coast of Florida. (Photo by Andy Newman/Carnival Cruise Lines) Industry insiders however say that aga...
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For the fourth consecutive year in a row, Anguilla is ranked No. 1 on the Travel + Leisure 2020 World’s Best Awards list of the Top Islands in the Caribbean, Bermuda, and the Bahamas. Readers rated islands based on natural attractions/beaches, activities/sights, restaurants/food, people/friendliness, value. Anguilla also ranked #7 on the Top 25 Islands in the World, the only Caribbean island to make the list. Anguilla offers amazing combination of truly spectacular beaches, fabulous cuisine, stunning boutique resorts and genuine hospitality, which keep guests coming back year after year. In celebration of the 25th Anniversary, Travel + Leisure is hosting a global, social media “Toast + Post” that is running from July 8 when the winners are released through August 31. Readers and wi...
Read MoreThe Maldives is opening its border and lifting travel restrictions starting from July 15, 2020.Tourists travelling to the Maldives will be provided a free 30-day tourist visa on arrival. Regular official updates on travel to the Maldives are provided on the websites of the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Maldives. Here as well, Indians will have to wait until Indian government allows international flights to operate. Booking accommodation A confirmed booking in a tourist establishment registered with the Ministry of Tourism, prior to travelling to the Maldives is mandatory.Tourist resorts, liveaboard vessels and hotels located on uninhabited islands are open for bookings starting from July 15, 2020.Guest houses and hotels located on inhabited islan...
Read MoreThe city-state of Dubai, known for its mega malls, high-end restaurants and five-star hotels and resorts, has now reopened its doors to international visitors this week with a “welcome” passport sticker and coronavirus tests on arrival, in the hope of reviving its tourism industry after a nearly four-month closure. Dubai has been one of the most popular overseas destination for Indians, as Indians also form a large part of Dubai’s expat community. But as of now Indian’s will not be able to enjoy the relaxation as India has yet not started its international flight operations. But businesses are mainly betting on those already living in the gleaming desert city to energise its ailing economy and serve as a test run before wary foreign holidaymakers return. “A warm welcome to your sec...
Read Moreदुनिया की 25 शीर्ष एयरलाइंस को एक सर्वे जून 2020 में किया गया जिसमें यह जानने की कोशिश की गई कि वे कोविड-19 महामारी के दौर में यात्रियों का विश्वास जीतने के लिए क्या कदम उठा रही हैं। इस सर्वे से निकलकर आया कि ये 10 रणनीतियां हैं जो मुख्य रूप से ये एयरलाइंस काम में ले रही हैं- स्प्रे व वाइप डिसइंफेक्टिंगः एयरलाइंस के यात्री केबिनों को अपने वादे के अनुरूप बार-बार साफ करके बिलकुल चमकता दिखाना चाहिए। हर एयरलाइंस बताती है कि वह कैसे हर उड़ान से पहले अपने केबिन साफ करती है, वह नजर आना चाहिए।इलेक्ट्रॉस्टेटिक एंटीवायरल स्प्रेः अमेरिकी एयरलाइंस इस तरीके का इस्तेमाल ज्यादा करती हैं, जिसमें जब डिसइंफेक्टेंट छिड़का जाता है तो उसमा थोड़ा पॉजिटिव इलेक्ट्रिकल चार्ज होता है। इससे छोटे कण केबिन की सतह से जाकर चिपक जाते हैं जिनमें स्वाभाविक रूप से न्यूट्रल या नेगेटिव चार्ज होता है। यह ओवरहेड बिन, सी...
Read MoreOver the past month, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) was able to hold virtually meetings of its five Regional Commissions to share responses to the challenge of COVID-19 and their plans for the restart of tourism in the wake of the pandemic. For the first time ever, the five regional bodies of Member States of the United Nations specialized agency, met virtually rather than in person. The annual series of meetings got underway with the Regional Commission for Africa, and this was followed by meetings of the Regional Commissions for the Americas, Europe, Asia and the Pacific and finally the Middle East region. In all instances, representatives of Member States, including Ministers of Tourism, were joined UNWTO Affiliate Members, including leaders from across the private sector. ...
Read MorePHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry hosted an interactive webinar on ‘Aviation Industry’s Route to Recovery’ with a presence of delegates from government and various verticals of the industry. Usha Padhee, IAS, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Civil Aviation emphasized the need to create an institutional mechanism where both the Govt. and Industry can work together. She highlighted that the Government is focusing on policies and restructuring reforms which will help in bringing back the confidence of the passengers in the Aviation Sector. She emphasized that the Government must bring biosecurity components in air travel which is of paramount importance with a multi-level approach. Bart D’Souza, Head Aerospace, India British Deputy High Commission while deliberating on the current crisis i...
Read Moreआपको पता है, कोरोना वायरस का प्रहार आपके शरीर को ही नहीं बल्कि आपके पासपोर्ट को भी कमजोर कर देता है। अगर नहीं मानते तो अमेरिकी पासपोर्ट से पूछिए। जिस तरह से अमेरिका कोविड-19 की मार से सबसे ज़्यादा जूझ रहा है रहा है, उसी तरह से उसका पासपोर्ट भी अपनी ताकत खो रहा है। अब जाहिर है कि पासपोर्ट की ताकत का मतलब है कि आपको आपका पासपोर्ट दुनिया में कहां-कहां की सैर कैसे करा सकता है। कोविड-19 से ठीक पहले की दुनिया में इतिहास में किसी भी समय के मुकाबले आने-जाने की खासी आजादी थी। हवाई यातायात दशकों से निरंतर स्थिर गति से बढ़ रहा था और दुनिया का कोई भी पासपोर्टधारी औसतन दुनिया के 107 स्थानों पर वीज़ा-मुक्त अथवा आगमन-पर-वीज़ा की सुविधा का आनंद ले रहा था। लेकिन अस्थायी ही सही, आने-जाने पर पाबंदियों का दौर फिर लौट आया है। हेनले पासपोर्ट सूचकांक दुनिया के सबसे यात्रा-अनुकूल पासपोर्ट का समय-समय पर मू...
Read Moreउत्तर भारत में जहां हिमाचल प्रदेश व उत्तराखंड और मध्य प्रदेश पर्यटन उद्योग को फिर खड़ा करने के लिए सैलानियों को बुला रहे और नियमों में ढील दे रहे हैं, वहीं कर्नाटक में कोविड-19 के संक्रमण में अचानक फिर से तेजी आ जाने से कई लोकप्रिय सैलानी स्थलों पर सभी होमस्टे, होटल व रिज़ॉर्ट बंद करने के लिए कहा जा रहा है कोडागु (कूर्ग), चिक्कमगलुरु व हसन में अगले आदेश तक किसी भी नए मेहमान को रुकने न देने और परिसर फिलहाल बंद करने के निर्देश तमाम होटलों को प्रशासन की तरफ से दिए गए हैं। बीते सोमवार को कर्नाटक के पर्यटन मंत्री सी.टी. रवि ने खास तौर पर बेंगालुरु से घूमने जाने वाले लोगों से अपील की थी कि वे इन हिन स्टेशनों की तरफ न उमड़ें। इसी के बाद एक आदेश जारी करते हुए कोडागु उपायुक्त एनीज कनमणि जॉय ने कहा कि सबी रिज़र्ट, होटलों, सर्विस अपार्टमेंटों, रेजीडेंशियल हॉस्टलों व होमस्टे को जिले के बाहर के...
Read MoreOne of world’s most visited museums reopened to the public on Monday three and a half months of COVID-19 lockdown. France’s iconic Louvre Museum re-opened, without lengthy queues of visitors as before the coronavirus pandemic. Some 7,000 reservations have been made for the opening day while before the pandemic the museum had around 30,000 visitors each day, Jean-Luc Martinez, President-Director of Louvre, said. For those who arrived for a visit, mask-wearing is compulsory. Slots of 500 visitors every half hour have been set up to comply with health rules. The Louvre and Tuileries National Estate includes several gardens, which cover an area of 30 hectares. Louvre is the world's largest art museum and a historic monument. The museum is housed in the Louvre Palace, originally bui...
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