Novotel Hyderabad Airport, located at GMR Aerocity, Hyderabad is thrilled to announce its remarkable achievement in securing the prestigious honour for "Best Hotel Restaurant in Hyderabad" for ‘Food Exchange - a contemporary, casual, and multi-cuisine restaurant’ at the prestigious Food Connoisseurs India Awards. This remarkable accomplishment reinforces the hotel's unrelenting dedication to providing an exceptional culinary experience to its discerning clients and indisputably establishes its reputation as the city's finest epicurean haven. At the core of this esteemed recognition lies "Food Exchange," the distinguished dining enclave within Novotel Hyderabad Airport. Renowned for its innovative culinary approach and exceptional offerings, Food Exchange has emerged as a beacon of culi...
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travel articles and news about Indian state of Telangana
Eight renowned artists to perform live at the week-long event from Jan 25 in Hyderabad Heartfulness is bringing to Hyderabad one-of-a-kind Kanha Music Festival that will see eight legendary Indian music maestros perform live to mark the 150th birth anniversary celebrations of Adi Guru of Shri Ram Chandra Mission, Lalaji Maharaj, at Kanha Shanti Vanam, the Heartfulness Headquarters. An exhibit of the Inner Peace Museum would also be unveiled on the occasion. The week-long mega-festival of classical music, to be held from 25th January to 3rd February 2023, would be attended by over 100,000 participants from different parts of the world, with millions joining online. Eight internationally renowned artists, including Rahul Sharma, Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia, Ustad Amjad Ali Khan, Us...
Read MoreEncalm Hospitality launches Meet and Greet Services at Hyderabad Airport With the goal of providing travellers a rich and memorable airport experience, Encalm Hospitality has launched their “Atithya”, service at the Hyderabad, Rajiv Gandhi Airport. After receiving an overwhelming response for their services at the Delhi Airport, Atithya, the meet and greet service is all set to expand their best in class services for travellers at Hyderabad airport. The city, renowned for its hospitality looks forward to the warmth of Atithya. The brand aims to develop one of the most admired airport hospitality experiences in India by creating an atmosphere of luxury and comfort. The Philosophy of Atithya, अतिथि देवो भव: (Guest is God), is an integral part of Indian culture. Hence, to make trav...
Read MoreGlobal beverage solutions leader plans investment of over INR 200 crores for Telangana • Soon to launch its first fully owned & operated MONIN studio in India True to its commitment of investing in 'Make in India', French gourmet flavour business, Georges MONIN SAS (MONIN) has announced an investment of INR 200 crores for its first phase of setting up the manufacturing plant in Telangana. MONIN had signed an MoU with the Department of Industries & Commerce, in 2018 Telangana and announced an initial investment of INR 100 crores to set up a manufacturing plant in India. The French business has since opened its wholly owned subsidiary in Hyderabad as MONIN India Pvt. Ltd and has acquired 40 acres of land for its manufacturing site. It has also set up an in-house R&D...
Read MoreThe Ramappa temple at Palampet in Telangana's Warangal has been conferred the tag of UNESCO World Heritage site. At the ongoing online meeting of World Heritage Committee, the decision was reached after a consensus where Norway opposed the inscription while Russia led an effort for the immediate inscription of the temple. A consensus with 17 countries backing the move ensured the inscription of the site. Ramappa temple, a 13th century engineering marvel named after its architect, Ramappa, was proposed by the government as its only nomination for the UNESCO World Heritage site tag for the year 2019. The iconic Ramappa Temple showcases the outstanding craftsmanship of great Kakatiya dynasty. In its selection criteria, UNESCO says, “Rudreshwara, popularly known as Ramappa Temple, is...
Read MoreThe Telangana Forest Department has said there are 14 tigers in the Amrabad Tiger Reserve as against 12 recorded in 2019. The Amrabad reserve is home to the highest population of tigers in the State. The latest findings on the presence of the big cats cameout during the phase-IV monitoring carried out in 2020- 21, according to an official release. "During the phase-IV census in 2019, there were 12 identified tigers. In the phase-IV monitoring in 2020-21, the number increased to 14..." it said. Phase-IV monitoring is being conducted as part of the exercise in every tiger reserve across the country. !function(e,t,c,a){if(!e.fwn&&(a="fwn_script",n=e.fwn=function(){ n.callMethod?n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments) },e._fwn||(e._fwn=n),n.qu...
Read Moreवारंगल को सबसे ज्यादा ककातीय वंश के शैव शासकों की राजधानी के तौर पर इतिहास में अहमियत मिली। उस समय यह दक्षिण के सबसे प्रभावशाली साम्राज्यों में से एक था। कालांतर में साम्राज्य भले ही ढह गया लेकिन ककातीयों ने शिल्प व कला के रूप में ऐसी विरासत छोड़ दी जिसे दुनिया आज भी याद करती है वारंगल किले में मानो जहां-तहां इतिहास बिखरा पड़ा है। किले का प्रवेश द्वार वारंगल रेलवे स्टेशन से महज दो ही किलोमीटर की दूरी पर है। फिर किले के अवशेष वहां से लेकर पांच किलोमीटर दूर तक हनमकोंडा तक फैले हैं लगभग सहस्त्र स्तंभ मंदिर को छूते हुए। किले के भीतर पहुंचने के बाद वहां खड़े ककातीय कला तोरणम सहसा ध्यान खींच लेते हैं। ककातीय वंश की भव्यता की कहानी कहते ये तोरण द्वार कितना ऐतिहासिक महत्व रखते हैं इसका अंदाजा इसी बात से लगाया जा सका है कि तेलंगाना राज्य के नए लोगो में पृष्ठभूमि में चारमीनार के साथ-साथ यह ककाती...
Read Moreहैदराबाद में गोलकुंडा का किला भारत के सबसे भव्य किलों में से एक है और शिल्प के लिहाज से अनूठा भी। यह किला निजामों के इस शानदार शहर के इतिहास व विरासत का बेहतरीन नमूना पेश करता है। इसकी चमक उसी कोहिनूर हीरे सरीखी है जो यहां से निकला था यूं तो हर किले की एक कहानी होती है जिसमें राजा और रानी होते हैं। किले की कहानी में राजा की प्रजा होती है, प्रजा को दुश्मनों से बचाने के लिए तगड़ी किलेबंदी होती है, आसमान को छूते दरवाजे होते हैं। देखा जाए तो सब किलों के वैभव और उनके पराभव की दास्तानों में जबरदस्त समानता होती है। बस बदलते जाते हैं राजाओं के नाम, उनके शासनकाल के नाम और काल, उन किलों से जुड़ी हुई प्रेम कहानियों के किरदारों की तस्वीरें। इन तमाम बातों के साथ भी तेलंगाना राज्य की राजधानी हैदराबाद में बसा गोलकुंडा का किला अपनी एक बिल्कुल अलहदा किस्सागोई के साथ आकर्षक का केंद्र बना हुआ है। यहां एक...
Read MoreSalar Jung museum at Hyderabad is one of the three national museums of India and also the third largest in the country with the biggest one-man collections of antiques in the world, all belonging to Salar Jung family, which was finally converted into a museum by Nawab Mir Yusuf Ali Khan Salar Jung III (1889-1949), who was former Prime Minister of the seventh Nizam of Hyderabad. This museum has a collection of sculptures, paintings, carvings, textiles, manuscripts, ceramics, metallic artefacts, carpets, clocks and furniture from Japan, China, Burma, Nepal, Persia, Egypt, Europe and North America besides India. The English Bracket Clock at Salarjung Museum in Hyderabad is said to have manufactured in England and assembled in Calcutta in the late 19th century. This musical clock is one of th...
Read Moreदक्कन के पठार में अपनी खास भौगोलिक स्थिति की वजह से तेलंगाना को अनूठी जलवायु मिली हुई है। यह जलवायु और यहां का मौसम पेड़-पौधों और वन्य प्राणियों के लिए खासा अनुकूल माना जाता है। समूचे इलाके में कई वन्यजीव अभयारण्य हैं, कुछ टाइगर रिजर्व भी हैं और पक्षी अभयारण्य भी। इनमें कई तो बहुत पुराने हैं और कई महत्वपूर्ण भी। हालांकि तेलंगाना के वन्य अभायरण्यों या टाइगर रिजर्वों को उस तरह की ख्याति नहीं मिली जितनी मध्य भारत में बाकी राज्यों- खास तौर पर कर्नाटक, मध्य प्रदेश और महाराष्ट्र के टाइगर रिजर्वों को मिली लेकिन इसके बावजूद उनकी अहमियत किसी सूरत में कम नहीं हो जाती। सैलानियों के नजरिये से देखा जाए तो ऐसे अभयारण्यों को घूमने में कम आनंद है जहां सैलानी सफारी करने के लिए टूटे पड़ते हैं। जंगल को कम शोर-शराबे और सुकून में देखने का ही लुत्फ ज्यादा है और यह तेलंगाना के जंगलों में बखूब...
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